Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tags: Bikud @ s Culture and Science, Instituto Cultural Steve Biko, VII edition of the Festival of

VII Festival of Art, Culture and Science Institute of Steve Biko stir the black youth "Evolution Hip Hop
For 18 years, the Steve Biko Institute has promoted the self-esteem of black youth through training aimed at promoting citizenship, the rescue of their ancestry ulta store locator and providing access to over a thousand young blacks to public and private universities. In order to further stimulate the mobilization and the persistence of their students, the Institute will promote, on 30 and 31 July, the seventh edition of Art, Culture and Science Festival, ulta store locator with the theme: eighteen years of Citizenship and Conscience Negra.
On the 30th, at 18h, in the auditorium of Public ulta store locator Library of the State of Bahia, held a seminar on "18 years of Citizenship ulta store locator and Black Consciousness: ulta store locator Transgressing Spaces; Transforming Realities ", ulta store locator with speakers: the coordinator of CEAFRO / UFBa Ceres Santos; professor at Brown University (USA) Geri Augusto, educator and activist black movement ulta store locator Edenice Santana and Talent Bikud @ s, current students Biko who will present diverse artistic expressions. On June 31, from 16h, at Praça Tereza Batista (Pelourinho) is the time of free concerts Juliana Ribeiro, Talent Bikudos, Lazzo, The Big Butt, DJ Sankofa, RBF, African Jhow, Didá, Aloisio Menezes and Aro 7.
The Festival, in its 7th edition, will bring together students, teachers, social activists, artists, researchers ulta store locator and other stakeholders who will contribute to more effective action ulta store locator of Biko (as it is called by students). According to the administrative manager George ulta store locator Oliveira, the goal of the event is to discuss ulta store locator the cultural, artistic and scientific environment of Brazilian society, "for this use of various ulta store locator recreational tools such as theater, music, visual arts, literature, dance, to achieve this exchange among youth, before the entrance exam, "he said.
Throughout its 18 years, the action of the institute expanded beyond the Pre-Vestibular program, through ulta store locator the development of several educational initiatives such as the Oguntec Project - Fostering Science and Technology; Pompa - Design Minds and Open Doors (Training young leaders); Anti-Racism and Human Rights, and preparing for the first job in Social Youth Consortium.
The Instituto Cultural Steve Biko came at the initiative of students and teachers, with the goal of strengthening the fight against racism, adopting training in Citizenship and Black Consciousness (NCC), the inspiration of the movement of black consciousness developed by Steve Biko in South Africa and through a concrete action: collaborate with the entry of young negr @ s University. An autonomous and independent proposal.
Tags: Bikud @ s Culture and Science, Instituto Cultural Steve Biko, VII edition of the Festival of Art 5 Comments for "VII Festival of Art, Culture and Science Institute of Steve Biko stir the black youth"
Parabens bikuda guys, parabens Institute Stive Biko., You guys continue to make history, to discover and build new paths that surely will lead to new conquests. Successful ulta store locator pro Vll FACC Strong Black Hug to each and all.
Steve Biko was a student and continue taking you wherever you go the greater purpose of Biko: the rescue of black culture and the ancestraliedade. Glad to know qa Biko continues in the fight. Today, Social Worker acts on q q NGOs perceive motion and institutions such as the Biko must never cease to exist, much less stop contributing in promoting citizenship of a people q still marked by exclusion and q targets of violence plaguing our society. Q I wish to continue this fight and never lose focus with disadvantaged young blacks, marked by socio-economic inequality. Congratulations Steve Biko! Axé
[...] This post was Mentioned on Twitter by Dj White, The Rap Informa. The Rap Informa said:. @ EvolucaoHipHop VII Festival of Art, Culture and Science Institute of Steve Biko stir black youth #ORapInforma [...]
I was very sorry not to have participated in this wonderful event as Biko. Was out of Bahia. I want to congratulate once again the "BIKO" for her work, by struggle and perseverance.

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