Tuesday, February 18, 2014

t1 [Figure 1,

[City notes: 16] "This year" Notes on City: (no.16): "These Three Years" Author: City notes people chengshi bjiren, 2013 August 2009 (Never journals!!!!!) . [Summary: "This year" is now big homes architectural design firm chaired one of the architects Liu Yichun then return Tongji University in Guangzhou began to bid farewell to his friends left the stage before his master ala moana stores to learn a memorial atlas. Set yard presents selected Liu Yichun participating in the first three years of work involved in the design of the 15 projects. Obviously, such a vivid visual data reflected the architectural education, architectural trends of that period, the depths of the architects of the building's inner awareness and doubts. In this sense, the architect's personal history ala moana stores is contemporary history of China in the most vivid part of the building. ala moana stores To this end, the author Story "three years" behind the content and had a long talk with 柳亦春. This article is part of the long conversation records. Abstracts:. The album of "These Three Years" was produced and given to his close friends in Guangzhou by Mr Liu Yichun, now the principal architect of Atelier Deshaus, before his departure to Shanghai to pursue his graduate studies Within this album. , there collects 15 key projects that Liu Yichun had participated or involved in during his three years of internship, which all vividly reflected the professional trends and educational milieu in China at that time, and last if not the least the self doubts and searches of this architect-to-be himself. In this sense, a history of contemporary architecture of China inevitably ala moana stores relies upon an autobiography ala moana stores of each architect like Liu Yichun. To that purpose, the author of this article ala moana stores has engaged in a long conversation with Liu Yichun on " These Three Years ", and made the part of the dialogue public here] Keywords:." This year, "Liu Yichun, personal history, large homes architectural design firm] [key words:" These Three Years ", Liu Yichun , Autobiography, Atelier Deshaus] About "This year," notes one: First, you really want to thank Lei history. Lei said the earliest history of the year when Liu Yichun gave him and several other people leaving each one of the atlas - with the history of Lei's words, is 柳亦春 "earnest ala moana stores copying out, plus a color photo, thick large format ala moana stores atlas "- I did not know the existence of this atlas. But you say yourself that this has to be found. Given that the total Cai, do not know not. Shi Lei also said earlier, that he was buried in the old house I do not know what corner it. However, not long ago when he was finally returning to the dug out. Really want to thank him!
t1 [Figure 1, "three years" album, cover Source: Liu Yichun] Liu Yichun: Yes, ah! Shi Lei, specifically ala moana stores back to Guangzhou, rummaging through to find this stuff back to Shanghai on the same day to my office. He put the collection handing me when my heart thump to it, the first page in front of his face dared look ....... Notes people: Your This atlas was completed in July 1994, in Guangzhou. After you graduated from Tongji University Bachelor of Architecture, is looking for work find themselves in Guangzhou it? I forgot to allocate specific ala moana stores time abolished the system of the university graduates. Lei with history as you enter the Guangzhou Academy of others, Mr. Cai Dedao they know some of you are probably going to leave after three years, the yard's predecessors also willing to develop these xiaonianqing you do? Also, the figure how to use all traditional characters? Because at that time there involving Hong Kong, Guangzhou Institute works with traditional Chinese drawing are you? You see where this atlas cartography is very uniform, many freehand line drawing, made a solid model, which is your personal choice, ala moana stores or Guangzhou hospital colleagues are doing at that time? Liu Yichun: I went to Guangzhou Design Institute, was officially assigned to go. I had originally intended to go to Shenzhen, the reason may be due in 1989, I graduated that year, the allocation of places to go to Shenzhen tight, the working group responsible for allocating student affairs Yu Li-mei teacher asked me if I would be willing to consider Guangzhou? Then, compare the construction of the South Miami, I thought anyway, up to three years, not to return to Shanghai. Although I do not quite understand, Guangzhou, decided ala moana stores to go and see. Yes, we stipulated that term is so: graduate students walked graduate school can retain up to three years, to go to work in practice, and then reading. Later, I do not know how it did not continue, maybe we are one of the few that term graduates enjoy this treatment. Shi Lei early years into my hospital in Guangzhou. Tongji when he was eight three, I was six of eight. From this level we are starting school students make excellent junior class as a freshman, mainly on account of easy communication between students, ala moana stores exercise also helps high school students the ability to work. Shi Lei was our homeroom teacher next door, so we have considered are familiar with at school. Graduated from college a smear eyes went to Guangzhou hospital, or the bottom of my heart because there are so many points where seniors. As for those of us who yard attitude, ala moana stores generally speaking, very well. I graduated that year, the Guangzhou hospital once allocated into 16 college students. Before, college graduates are few, many are trained draftsman own backyard. I was assigned into the third design studio. Then what did not plan group, a total of four rooms, one, two, three rooms are integrated architectural and structural design studio specializing in one place, and the fourth is a professional mechanical and electrical design studio room. No one considering that I was likely to leave after two years or three years on a special treat for me. Although I had retained the school, I can be considered a formal assignment of accounts are moved to Guangzhou. Mr. Cai Dedao feel when it touches the Guangzhou Economic Well, after a year and do not look at my waist on BP machine, and each encounter I will touch my waist BP machine, and then asked, Koyanagi ah, with BP machine Also back Tongji reading it? He said to me, after the Master of Architecture ala moana stores had the job, and gave me give a three-year Bachelor of Arts in the United Kingdom ala moana stores and Hong Kong, and then add two years to learn his master's ala moana stores degree in architecture examples. ala moana stores Although the institute's vice president Choi is an architect, and he encouraged me to go back to Shanghai psyche continue to read a master's degree. Director of three rooms where I was born Zhou professional structure, but also particularly good for me. To a three-year period, when the new president talked to me, I hope you can leave, but Zhou said, Koyanagi later to start his own firm, let him go back to read master it. Shenzhen has been the first time the Ministry of Construction of pilot Xiao has left such as a private firm. So, now I am grateful to the sum Cai Zhou. Chuah is professionally gave me great help. Map write complex characters? Is entirely my personal preference, I felt pretty Traditional bar. Recall the conditions prevailing drawing I entered the hospital in Guangzhou City of the time in 1991, we still have in hand drawing, about to the end of 1993, the yard began training computer graphics. We started to learn French is a PA program, and later ABD, should be CAD10.0 ala moana stores it. And so before I left Guangzhou in July 1994, has gradually started using three-dimensional ala moana stores modeling of CAD. I worked that time, will draw renderings is a very important thing, I was not very good at painting. At that time, the construction industry is still relatively popular gouache performance. 1994 people began to use the airbrush painting renderings. I like freehand lines and more accustomed to painting, but my line drawing and pastel pen no advantage, then rely on a lot of projects bid, we still prefer more realistic kind of gaudy colors. Like the line drawing should be affected was "building painting" that the magazine was a magazine last week, Kai, who admire the tight grip pen line drawing. This atlas, the villa project with the model you see the performance, and I do together an interior design company in the United indoor employees, made of wood relatively abstract model, which is not common at the time of Guangzhou. This company is a three-room Studio City, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts graduates Liu Jun, Liu and 余凯鸿 and opened, I set this house with King vivid characters who are mostly accompanied them to give me the. To open his own design company, which makes us the design is still very fellow at the time the heart of envy and longing, from them, the first time I have been on a few people engage in a partnership with the company's understanding of some experience. Notes people: Sounds, Mr. Cai Dedao played a crucial role in the impact of the building you were learning, you can say it? Liu Yichun: Yes. Before I contact for two years and Chuah not that much, but rather with another chief engineer and vice president Guo Mingzhuo touch a little more. Guoyuan Zhang is a direct pipe engineering, also Tongji alumni, naturally, very kind. Chuah impression of a project is not specific ala moana stores pipe, more "theory" some, this is rare in such a system in the unit institute. By the time the third reading and clearly identified back Tongji please Chuah as deputy master of my mentors, our contacts have been more up. Cai few general guidelines graduate ala moana stores (now Tongji Qian Feng also his teacher and Mr. Dai Fudong out together ala moana stores with graduate students), so he also particularly concerned about the direction of my research, ala moana stores and constantly put his personal views and understanding of architecture instilled in me , often the older generation of architects anecdotes to tell me. At that time, the national evaluation often some big projects ala moana stores such as the Shanghai Grand Theater, bidding activity Jinmao Tower judges will ask him to do. He told me to come back after the last bid SOM Why, look at what they bid, etc., so I was the first study of a project such as accessibility, grab the big relationship such habits ala moana stores are learned from him. Work Institute in Guangzhou ala moana stores this year is absolutely worth it for three years. First, the Guangzhou Academy has set itself the accumulated years of project control systems. Construction design specifications such as writing it, because there was no time computer graphics, design notes are used throughout the hospital uniform, is printed on acid paper instructions and forms, as long as any works basically fill in the blank or choose, you can maintain a The basic construction quality, and as long as there is a basic flat vertical ala moana stores sectional ala moana stores doors and stairs large sample, a set of drawings can achieve a basic level of implementation. In contrast, when I entered Tongji Institute four years later, ala moana stores but it is everyone write their own construction of each description. New employees ala moana stores into the hospital, the beginning was quite accustomed to, because it is difficult to feel the accumulated technology. That is, when the hospital in Guangzhou, and soon, I established a project from the program to fully grasp the construction plans almost can quickly complete a project. Honestly, though it is hand-painted, then do the program and the speed of construction drawings much faster than now. Of course, if there is no Chuah, I studied in Guangzhou Academy of Engineering will only be some learning. Chuah there is almost the only thing I feel there is such an architecture and project level differentiated human existence. Perhaps Chuah see the future potential of the high-rise building construction market in China, Cai total for I chose "high-rise buildings" as a master's thesis, and that the focus should be to study the "reasonableness" (rationality) the top. So my master's thesis, "senior, high-rise building design rationality" (The Rationality of Design of High-rise and Super High-rise) Before I had back Tongji determined. The basic framework of the paper is the environment, technology and aesthetics of three parts. Environment articles talking ala moana stores about how to combine natural design, technical papers from the structure, equipment, construction of three angles written. ala moana stores So while talking about the high-rise buildings, in fact, apply to all buildings, as is discussed "reasonableness" as the basis, and so was a modernist ala moana stores ideas on how to deepen the specific type of design process. At the time, I do not think there is much value, but rather the last two years before ala moana stores I realized that this master's thesis on the importance of the concept of modernism is also my time really started to build it.
t.2.3 [Figure 2.1, the Guangdong Provincial Communications Department building, program perspective, Source: Liu Yichun; Figure 2.2, the Guangzhou Book Center, the program perspective, Source: Liu Yichun; ala moana stores Figure 2.3, Hainan Longquan Villa Villa design, model photos Photo Courtesy: Liu Yichun] ala moana stores notes people: Now, students often hear minded ideals started working on the actual status of the work environment and the construction industry some discomfort, you then have no such situation? In the courtyard of the work environment, what did you think now is when the idea of a huge gap between undergraduate learning something? Moreover, at that time would be so obsessed with how "post-modernist building" (Post-Modernism Architecture), on the knowledge and understanding of how many? Liu Yichun: I went to junior summer Tongji Hospital and Shenzhen, a real estate company internship. Because the hand pretty good effort, drawing fast, first drew a summer residential building construction plans, went to Shenzhen, a real estate company site to see how the house is covered, still in Huiyang, Guangdong, South China University students and two strapped Ladders with oil paint and drew a large real estate sales ads. From the third grade summer is the summer ala moana stores of 1989 (at that time, the school has been ahead of a holiday) begins after the summer vacation is in Shenzhen City Hospital, Tongji Shenzhen Branch, Shenzhen internship in a real estate company, such as spent. So, when I graduated in 1991 after entering the Guangzhou Institute of strangeness and work perfectly no obstacles, and soon entered the state, I felt I learned that my painting, ala moana stores and then we all liked. As mentioned earlier, like Guangzhou Design Institute, we go 16 points year college sudden, unprecedented. I have designed into the third chamber 60 people, before something like only four younger students: one by one, Hunan University, ala moana stores Tsinghua University, ala moana stores two laborers

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