Sunday, February 16, 2014

Who read this blog Seattle skyline (Kerry Park), City Flag, Emblem City name Seattle (City of Seatt

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Who read this blog Seattle skyline (Kerry Park), City Flag, Emblem City name Seattle (City of Seattle) City song "Seattle, incomparable city" (Seattle the Peerless hagerstown premium outlets City) (1909 - present) nickname Emerald City (The Emerald City) (official nickname), Rain City (the Rainy City), Evergreen City (Evergreen City), Alaska portal (the Gateway hagerstown premium outlets to Alaska), Queen City (Queen City), the Jets are City (Jet City), Evergreen City. From the beginning of 1869, Seattle's nickname is the "Queen City." In 1981, Seattle formally elect a new nickname. 1982, announced the official nickname of Seattle is "Emerald City." It depicts a view of the surrounding lush rainy Seattle caused. Maxim Flower (The City of Flowers) (1942 - 1990) Sister hagerstown premium outlets Cities (The City of Goodwill) (1990 - present) (due to be held at the Goodwill Games) Coordinates center located at latitude 47 degrees 36 minutes 35 seconds west longitude 122 degrees 19 minutes 59 seconds. Country United States of America (The United States of America) State of Washington (Washington hagerstown premium outlets State) County, Kings County (King County). Seattle, King County, hagerstown premium outlets the county's administrative center. Settling Time December 2, 1869 Government hagerstown premium outlets Type: mayor-council (Mayor-council government) Mayor: Greg Nicks (Greg Nickels) (Democratic) urban area of 369.2 square kilometers area, where land area of 217.2 square kilometers, hagerstown premium outlets water area of 152.0 square kilometers, accounting for 41.16%. Greater Seattle area of 21,202 square kilometers. -158 Meters above sea level 0 m population urban population 582,200 (February 2006). Population density of 2,665 people / sq km. Urban population 3,263,500, the greater Seattle area population hagerstown premium outlets of 3,919,700. Race is a multi-ethnic city of Seattle. Whites accounted for 70.1% of the city's population; blacks accounted for 8.4 percent; Indians and indigenous people accounted for 1.0 percent; Hispanic hagerstown premium outlets / Latino, 5.3%; mestizos 4.5%; Asians accounted for 13.1%, which accounts for the city's Chinese population 3.45%. Pacific Standard Time (PST). UTC-8. Built for the U.S. Pacific time zone (PDT) Daylight Saving Time. UTC-7. Telephone area code 206 City Flower Dahlia (1913 - present) City Bird big blue-gray heron (2003 - present) Seattle (Seattle) is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, which is located between Puget Sound and Washington hagerstown premium outlets State Lake Washington King County, about 174 kilometers from the Canada-US border. Seattle was built in 1869, is the U.S. Pacific hagerstown premium outlets Northwest commercial, cultural and high-tech center and major tourist and trade throughout the Pacific port city of Scandinavia and Europe's. Perennial greater Seattle area is surrounded by mountains, and the distance, is the United States the highest hagerstown premium outlets volcano - Mount Rainier (Mount Rainier). Seattle has a 2200 computer development companies, Microsoft is the world's largest private computer software company. hagerstown premium outlets The world's largest aircraft hagerstown premium outlets manufacturer Boeing is the largest employer in the region. Engaged in biotechnology engineering 115 companies in the region of 12,400 jobs, and the annual output value of $ 2,000,000,000. Seattle transportation convenience, ease of road transport network in Seattle closely linked to major cities nationwide, Canada and Mexico. hagerstown premium outlets Seattle grunge rock (grunge music), the birthplace of Seattle hagerstown premium outlets coffee consumption because people are great and famous. Starbucks (Starbucks), Seattle Best coffee (Seattle's Best Coffee) Coffee and Tully (Tully's) are established here. In 1995, Seattle was named "money" magazine "America's best places to live" in 1996 was named "best living and working city," "Fortune" magazine in 1998, is recognized as the nation's highest hagerstown premium outlets quality of life in cities. Seattle is also a traditional conference tourism center. Seattle is an incredible city. It is the lowest altitude, there is an ancient glaciers, active volcanoes and snow-capped peaks. hagerstown premium outlets Seattle is a unique city, it has mountains, lakes, hagerstown premium outlets rivers have a harbor, with warm climates, such as spring seasons. Whether it is in the United States, or elsewhere in the world, almost can not find the second city to be like Seattle as mountains, the plains are thick, almost pristine forests covered. Lining both inside and outside the urban area decorated with secluded bays, rivers, trees, shaded hagerstown premium outlets by colorful markets. In the green hills surrounding the city among the hidden and scattered with dozens of lakes of varying sizes. Lush trees, lush grass, rain and even floated gently passing wind, all with green color. I. History 1909 Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition retrospective Seattle history, hagerstown premium outlets only a short period of 150 years, and most of the data records are derived from Pioneer Square (Pioneer Square), a group of immigrant passengers, in Year 1851 came from New York to Seattle, near Pioneer Square near the landing camp, the group is regarded as a pioneer in Seattle. Therefore, there are many streets are named with their name as a memorial, such as Denny, Yesler, Bell, Boren and so on. Origin of the name of the City of Seattle from aboriginal chiefs Hills (Sealth). When the first settlers arrived here in 1850, Emirates hagerstown premium outlets Hills had given them protection and friendship. Since ancient times Indians living in North America, relying on subsistence hunting and fishing, living self-sufficient tribe living in the mountains wildland, they are indigenous hagerstown premium outlets people in Seattle, but their history does not record In the United States in general history. Seattle pioneers who respect these long lived in Elliott Bay (Elliott Bay) degrees along the Wami Xu (Duwamish) indigenous peoples, immigrants directly to a piece of reclaimed land will be named Emirates Hills ( Sealth) name, which in the middle because hagerstown premium outlets of some verbal miscommunication, and finally became Seattle, which is the origin of the name of the city of Seattle. Although the Washington establishment of urban areas as early as the end of the eighteenth century was discovered maritime explorers, but only very late in Seattle whites in this settlement. The first white families to reach and settle in Alki Point in 1851, when November 13. The town was soon moved to nearby Elliott Bay (Elliott Bay) and renamed Hills (Sealth). Sealth was originally a Duwamish and Suquamish tribal chiefs name, the emirate has therefore received $ 1,000 in royalties. The first is a map of the city May 23, 1853 drawing made. From 1865 to 1867 Seattle was a small town, after 1869, Seattle officially became a city. Seattle's major events of 1889 major events fire (central hagerstown premium outlets business hagerstown premium outlets district was destroyed, but no one was killed), 1909 Alaska - Youkang - Pacific Fair (today the University of Washington in Seattle based on the year the Expo venue), 1919 In the Seattle General Strike (USA first general strike), 1962 21st Century Expo 1990 Goodwill Games and 1999 World Trade Organization meeting but due to the anti-globalization protest movement which forced closing. hagerstown premium outlets February 2001, Seattle broke a 6.8 earthquake on the Richter scale, causing damage to the city. Seattle experienced the economic history of the development and bust times. As a large company's headquarters city in its downturn and some even think it will continue hagerstown premium outlets to shrink. But Seattle is always successful in rebuilding its infrastructure in these times. The first major development was the development of the city in the early construction of the wood industry. Gold Rush of the 19th century also brought to Seattle for a brief little development. Shipbuilding industry in the early 20th century also brought prosperity to Seattle. Seattle's economy after World War II to benefit from the development of commercial aviation industry brought prosperity hagerstown premium outlets Boeing. In the late 1960s and early 1970s recession forced many aviation people left Seattle. Two local real estate posted a slogan: "The trouble hagerstown premium outlets last person leaving Seattle, turn off the light." Until 2001 until the former Seattle Boeing's corporate headquarters. 2001 Boeing said the plan to move its headquarters hagerstown premium outlets to its future Boeing 787 production line to move out of Washington. Many cities with low taxes to compete to become the new Boeing headquarters hagerstown premium outlets and production center, the last Boeing headquarters moved to Chicago, but the Boeing 787 production line or stay in the greater Seattle area. Seattle is still the seat of the Boeing civil aircraft, some of the Boeing factory and Boeing employees credit union. Recent developments mainly from Microsoft and other software, hagerstown premium outlets Internet and communications companies: companies such as Amazon, RealNetworks and AT & T Wireless. Even the local Starbucks headquarters for many of the Internet and software companies to invest. This new development was completed in early 2001, but many of these companies are still quite strong. Second, the geographical location in downtown Seattle, surrounded by blue waters, such as the emerald city of Seattle, eastern Olympic Mountains (Olympic Mountains), western Cascade Mountains (Cascade Mountain Range) is surrounded by peaks, hagerstown premium outlets between Seattle On Puget Sound (Puget Sound), and 18-mile-long piece of Lake Washington (Lake Washington) between the narrow land, Puget Sound and Lake Washington water through the waterway in the north of the intersection in downtown Seattle, Lake Union (Lake Union), the rainy and foggy weather in Seattle seems to make more green than other U.S. cities. Rivers, forests, lakes and fields near Seattle is very rich. Today, close to Seattle Center from a canal connecting Lake Washington and Puget Sound. In Seattle, there are many throughout the year in and around sailing, skiing, biking, camping and hiking opportunity. Seattle hagerstown premium outlets built on hilly terrain, where some of the city's tallest building in the immediate vicinity of the city center. Be changed through different terrain terrain near downtown renovation project of many. Seattle fault is an active geological fault, which is directly caused by the earthquake and continue hagerstown premium outlets through the next downtown Seattle. Since there is a history hagerstown premium outlets of inter-hundred and fifty years, Seattle received a total of four major earthquakes: December 14, 1872 (7.3 on the Richter scale), April 13, 1949 (7.1), April 29, 1965 (6.5) and February 28, 2001 (6.8). According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that the total area of 369.2 square kilometers in Seattle, where the land area of 217.2 square kilometers, the water area of 152.0 square kilometers, 41.16 percent of the total area. Although climate gives the impression that Seattle drizzle, but really can not go out the next day, but the rain is rare. The annual rainy season is from November to March next year, in addition to the very mild climate in Seattle, the most suitable travel season is spring and autumn, but the temperature difference hagerstown premium outlets between morning and evening, up to a difference of more than 10 degrees. Since the middle of Seattle ocean temperature factors, hagerstown premium outlets to protect the city from the west side of the mountains storms. Annual rainfall of 890-970 mm, so called rain city, (such as New York 1200 mm) less than the U.S. East Coast cities, but the number of cloudy days per year with an average of 226 days, more than 132 days in New York. Since Seattle is located behind the Olympic Mountains, the majority of the rainfall is light rain or drizzle. Seattle's climate and temperatures near the Canadian hagerstown premium outlets city of Vancouver and about. The annual average rainfall is 130 kilometers west of the Olympic National Park is 3600 mm, the southern capital of Washington's Olympic rainfall is 1320 mm. Seattle occasional snowfall, but rarely stay for long. Sunny climate is generally from mid-July to mid-September, the south began late than Portland, ended too early. In El Niño occurred in Seattle rainfall will decrease, not only in the winter ski around the difficulties, but also cause water shortages in the summer. hagerstown premium outlets Third, the sunset Population structure Myrtle Edwards Park, the 2000 U.S. Census showed Seattle has 563,374 inhabitants. hagerstown premium outlets Throughout the Puget Sound metropolitan area population of about 3.7 million, approximately 73.4% were white, which is North America's highest city in white ingredients. 4.7 percent called themselves the descendants of many ethnic groups, which is one of America's highest city. Asians have 13.71%, 8.44% Africans, 1.1% are Native American, Pacific Indigenous people accounted for 0.5%, 6.84% from other non-white ethnic groups. There are many legal and illegal immigrants came in the last decade in Seattle. From 1990 to 2000 the foreign population census increased by 40%. Although the 2000 census, hagerstown premium outlets only 5.28% of the population is Hispanic, but the Hispanic population in all populations throughout Washington State is one of the fastest growing. Estimates from 2000 to 2002 on a 10% increase. Approximately hagerstown premium outlets 1.25% of the city's homeless, of which 14 percent are teenagers. 2005 "Men Bodybuilding" magazine said Seattle is America's most fit cities. * Greater Seattle Seattle's card grams region (Cascadia) ** 1970 530,844 1,939,000 7,738,635 1980 493,846 2,240,000 9,508,809 1990 516,259 2,748,867 11,000,384 2000 563,374 3,275.847 13379.320 hagerstown premium outlets 2005 (estimated) 573,000 3,460,400 14,083,486 2010 (estimated) 594,116 3,641,200 15,765,119 Source: hagerstown premium outlets U.S. Census Bureau; BC Stats (BC Ministry of Management Services); Oregon Office of Economic Analysis. Estimates and projections for the Washington State Office of Financial Management in Seattle hagerstown premium outlets in 2005 for 2010. * King County (King), Snohomish County (S

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