Friday, May 15, 2015

The Demonstration Centre IT AMTEGA offers a seminar alkosto medellin to tourism companies to opti

The Demonstration Centre IT AMTEGA offers a seminar alkosto medellin to tourism companies to optimize alkosto medellin their presence on the internet CEMIT The network launches in 14 centers a bank of time to share activities The Board consolidated the institutional commitment for dominance '. gal ', which will be the reference domain in all its initiatives in the network
Users of Google Apps can now enhance the services that Google offers to companies and associations a new store of applications that can be integrated without problems into their existing services based on the web and even opened the possibility for any developer alkosto medellin to make applications that can be integrated in this Google Apps Marketplace (those receiving alkosto medellin 80% of revenues). Currently in the Google Apps Marketplace are a good catalog that expand the potential for Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar and others, which gives the impression that it is a kind of Google Labs payment, which is already more than 50 companies selling software. Among the applications available are Manymoon, a tool for project management; PS Connect, alkosto medellin which collects relevant information from the domain of a User and summarized in a message from Gmail to help in making decisions in real time; OffiSync, a synchronizer Microsoft Office with Google Apps; importing data from Exchange to Google services; and many other features that in many cases can be used for free.
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