Sunday, May 3, 2015

This hadith, what serves as the key that should be our approach to us. This rumor that everyone per

June 10, 2011 Science & Religion Sufism, Quran Symbolism, Infinity stores in the mall Tower, Sufi white dwarf, subconscious, hell sun, hell and the sun, the world of hell, sun, hell, the expansion of solar, holographic, holographic universe, hell, Hologram, Cindy mind ÖZCAN
The sun would be up to Judgment Day will be a closer proximity to the public, people finally mile ... The sun will melt them, and will remain stores in the mall nearly in sweat by the amount of action. Some of them up to the heel, so to some kneecaps, stores in the mall to whom the waist, with whom he mouthed until the sweat will sink! "(Hadith)
In the light of scientific evidence that our sun is a star of medium size, based on calculations made more than 5 billion years to the moment itself sufficient stores in the mall to fuel (hydrogen) it is thought to be. As massive stars are formed as a result of the huge audience that they have high internal pressure and temperature results in a few million years, they give the last breath of life by consuming fuel in a very short compared to the age of the universe to be counted. But if our sun like the stars in medium-sized and has a small mass of billions of years of life. When they reached the end of their lives to finish the fuel for thermonuclear reactions is reduced to balance the gravitational force due to the huge mass of science "Red Giant" by entering an expansion as long as they start to give his name.
Our sun is 5 billion a year expansion at the moment and will be further expansion. When the time came to Mercury respectively, Venus, the Earth-Moon pair and Mars also into the will to expand at an annual process the hundreds of thousands and destroy completely the inner planets fast-moving, the gas shell of the powerful glow accompanying the great explosion outside surface, releasing the powerful stores in the mall gravitational stores in the mall force the impact of rapid collapse / shrinkage / jam to start the "White Dwarf" called the world size, brilliant shining so intense, it will return to a bright object. After turning white dwarf the impact stores in the mall of the changing gravitational forces, which are not subject to any influence, by expanding Mars beyond large and heavy planets (Jupiter, stores in the mall Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and others) Our Sun will continue to turn in a new orbit around the white dwarf version. But the white dwarf is billions of years later, with the exhaustion of energy in the bright glow of the Ending "Black Dwarf" turns into a graveyard stores in the mall called dead matter in space will enter the category.
Human beings do not have any global or cosmic catastrophe would not or herself, if not destroy his power, perhaps in a short period of 200 years, other planets stores in the mall / solar systems / will go to the galaxy, beyond that perhaps other concrete-abstract-anti parallel-antiparallel-light speed universe beyond tachyonic type to make physical-mental journey and even be able to come to the state to live in sunless system. Therefore, in the sun and the Resurrection at stake tradition associated stores in the mall with the period that the perception of the word and accept custom-made stores in the mall exactly to explain the large specific level of consciousness will be the right approach to think that hell is the sun. Because the sun swallow the world has more than 5 billion years. Moreover, Sun's not a mile closer, even in cases where start swallowing stores in the mall Mercury in the enlargement process (the distance from the Earth at that time will be about 100 million km) from the heat and light in the world of life will be given this rapprochement will have already stopped will end.
This hadith, what serves as the key that should be our approach to us. This rumor that everyone perceives as a partner, not the material world, each individual (identity / egosal) from the entrance to hell is mentioned in the purification process of the world! stores in the mall
Considering the current knowledge of science and religious data in the internal-external-cosmic-şuûrsal event and when we consider the mandatory symbolism in the case of transferred, "the sun of the ring approximation" as expressed are the narration of hell in the "oleanders, remain in sweat by the amount of action" on the other It should be considered combined with signs. Or oleander trees grown in a concrete and tangible in the Day of Judgment certain proportion of the sun on earth we may have to think of people sweating. stores in the mall
Resurrection is the essence of the hologram with the mark "in the outside world" does, or my world / universe out of my hologram which released "in the human mind content," a process that will take place sturdy? Whether perceptible of holographic hierarchy * concept in consciousness ( inner awareness field) to live / lived / all taking place this internal perception levels / Holographic Reflection should be the case, it appears as objects in common perceive the world with the lower size, and has appeared as pages from paper / reflected Mushaf ' defined in the symbol and metaphor, perception must be aware that casual workers described the limited minds of our familiar world of words. Holography and Home

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