Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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Press release PRK Partners was in London yesterday for the third most prestigious Chambers factory outlet mall Europe Award for Czech law firm. The award, which is considered factory outlet mall the world right branch "Oscars" in the British capital gives out every year.
PRK Partners defended his "firsts" in competition with major Czech Glatzová & Co. and Kocian Šolc Balaštík. And they are the same as in the seven previous years received nominations for this year's award for best national company and within these three companies was also divided all previous victory granted since 2008. Together with them nominated two more famous Czech agency, BBH and Weinhold Legal.
Prices factory outlet mall Chambers Europe factory outlet mall Awards grants recognized Chambers and Partners and its output is used by companies and law firms worldwide as a guaranteed source of information about individual legal service markets. Professional analysts Chambers and Partners factory outlet mall examined primarily professional quality service law firms and the significance of their transactions, and based on the information reviewed by clients and competitors of the companies.
More Articles: Attorneys of PRK Partners won an Oscar in the world of law Havel, Holásek & Partners expands the Prague team Norton Rose Fulbright Conference Legislative Council of the WWTP and the new arrangements factory outlet mall associations Law Firm PIERSTONE celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its foundation on the Czech market Weinhold Legal re among the Top 10 law firms in the rankings for Mergermarket M & A transactions in Central and Eastern Europe Milada Kurtosiova and Catherine Slováčková new KSB Lawyer Igor Augustinič became a partner of the international law firm bpv Braun Partners Glatzová & Co. celebrates its 20th anniversary Havel, Holásek & Partners based educational Academy Michael Mullen became a partner of PwC Legal Weinhold Legal provided advice SPAR Group in the sale of activities in the Czech Republic
As the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The new Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as "NOZ"), and Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On commercial companies and cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as "ZOK") occurred K. .. NOZ invalidate the old power of attorney?
In connection with the new civil legislation arose in practice after the new year no longer a problem of interpretation. One of them is associated with 441 of the new Civil Code (hereinafter factory outlet mall referred to as ... Three changes were needed
One of the principles on which it is built the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.; Hereinafter as "NOZ"), is an extensive dispozitivnost legislation. In the words of 1, paragraph 2 NOZ: ... Director approval of remuneration of members of business corporations and its application to the employment of persons close
Adjustment factory outlet mall of remuneration of members of business factory outlet mall corporations contained in the Business Corporations Act is more detailed than the rules contained in the Commercial Code. Although ... The new system orders under the Civil Code?
Suspension of enforcement of an arbitration award under 32 paragraph 2, second sentence of the Arbitration Act and the postponement of execution of the writ pursuant to 54 paragraph 5 of the Enforcement Code are two separate ... Negotiations legal persons, penalty
Members of the Board who commit the company, and the manner in which such amounts shall be entered in the Commercial Register ( 191, paragraph 1, fourth sentence Com. Code.). The Commercial Register's ... suspend enforcement factory outlet mall

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