Tuesday, April 8, 2014

- It was once thought that employees themselves would follow along and change the way pension money

These days it's not just your tax return as people get in the mail - now also get over a million workers in the private sector annual statement from the pension provider's. It shows how much they have received in return for service pension and how this money is invested.
- Now it is time that people checking service pensions in line with the tax return, said board economist at Sparebank 1, Kristin Myrmo. There are many who do not know that they can influence performance by changing the way the money is located.
Employees may change, but does not it - Many people have probably half of the pension savings from work placed in bonds and half in stocks, because it was most firms selected for their employees as defined contribution pensions became mandatory in 2006, explains Myrmo. zellers locations
- It was once thought that employees themselves would follow along and change the way pension money in their pension contribution was invested. This has not happened, says Myrmo and believe that it is unfortunate that many people do not adapt their pension savings by where they "are" at work.
Miss a lot - Are you young, it is important that you have a good amount of shares in the pension savings from work to get a good pension in the future. You approach retirement, you should however have fewer shares in savings zellers locations to prevent pension reserves are less in a stock market that can randomly turn down a period, explaining pension economist.
- I recommend an age-appropriate allocation zellers locations of pension zellers locations savings zellers locations that the employer saves for you. Then you may well save 100 percent shares until you have about 25-30 years left in the workplace. Then, share ratio gradually decreases, according Myrmo.
Let others do the work today offers several pension providers so-called age-appropriate investment portfolio, which automatically gives higher equity share of young workers with age-adjusted reduction of the equity portion toward retirement.
And remember that if you have changed jobs and been with you a pension capital from your former employer's retirement savings, you can also place your pension money from this evidence in an insurance company that offers an age-appropriate adjustments. That way you can feel confident that you are getting the best possible return adapted where you are in your work life, quit Myrmo.
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