Sunday, October 5, 2014

.Net Android aop automated testing azure C# clojure concurrency conference frameworks git iphone Jav

We have a JayLabs-app (JayLabs is our playground account where we publish internal apps that are not showcase quality) called Rater that we d like to rename to Vote Collector.  What we want to see is this flow:
As citta mall with the initial release of a Windows Store app the name has to be reserved. You can read all about app naming in the docs . This screenshot shows the after-result of this little exercise after the name change has taken place. As you can see the current name of the app cannot be deleted, but the other can.
Changing the name of an app can be done, but requires the new name to be reserved. After the app has been renamed and published as the new name, the old name can be deleted and hence released to the world.
Andreas Hammar
Ok, thanks. I changed only the display name and is only for Title. As you say I have to change “package display name” for change the name on the store, thanks a lot. Trackbacks for this post Windows Store Developer Links 2012-12-10 | Dan Rigby
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