Monday, April 27, 2015

As I mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, I prefer stop and shop locations to do more th

Turkey in the 'lightbox' stop and shop locations (light box) When it comes to the first name that comes to mind, we had an enjoyable chat about Levent Caglar Cabaoğlu Morgök'l Gallery artists and art projects. You also enjoy reading and wish you spend plenty of artful autumn ...
Levent winning the admiration of everyone stop and shop locations with different stop and shop locations artistic stop and shop locations works Morgon, his work "I think the options are endless. Therefore I can say that all of my work look like an adventurous journey, "he sums up by ...
1996 I graduated from the Painting Department of Mimar Sinan University. The first personal exhibition the year I graduated, I was no longer hungry at the moment over Taksim Art Gallery. Since then, my work in the country in need, I need to exhibit abroad.
- Mixed media works on canvas and are famous for your lightbox. stop and shop locations So that when he saw the audience can understand what works done by you. You use the technique works with layers you create you tell us? What is going through processes stop and shop locations such as the production stage in the works?
Interestingly, the 'mixed media' in the works exhibited under the title of which is the use of materials. I do not give a definitive answer on this issue is really difficult; because sometimes my creative process can be compared to a laboratory study. Quilts, to try many different techniques such as various printing techniques or light boxes, it has always been interested beyond the canvas and paint. I think the options are endless. Therefore I can say that my every working like on an adventurous journey.
- Lightbox receiving a lot of attention lately all over the world, combines technology and aesthetics, a popular technique. How did you decide to use this application? Does this technique facilitates the transfer you want to give the audience a sense?
Good question. First of all, I never thought that this technique was a fashion. Earlier need canvas, how can I deepen more than I did on my two-dimensional work as well as I was dealing with duvets. I have different images overlap difference would be the right way after the light reflection. Thus, both visually and could be added a third dimension to emotional perception.
We have seen, we perceive the world so invisible, tangible catch those who do not, I kaygısınd to reflect. These are the depths of our subconscious or music are stored in the arts, literature reflection. A lot about music listener on this issue and I would like to add that I have read the book.
- This past April ages Cabaoğlu Gallery in collaboration with the Frankie 'You signed an event that combines food and art. Symeon accompanied by a menu created by chef for the night we watched the lightbox Triantafyllou you your new design. Very original idea to combine art and food. How did this project come about?
In fact, this combination stop and shop locations is not considered too far for me. Because cooking, I love to try different flavors. Even this a huge passion of mine for many years. Fifteen years ago, I have worked even in a restaurant. Cooking for me is not very different stop and shop locations from painting a deal. Materials only different, but in both creativity and experimental work at the end of a question arise. See such as the two side by side / nested stop comes very natural to me ...
How do you assess the contemporary art collectors on in Turkey? Contemporary art is developing rapidly and is now 2-dimensional works made of three-dimensional works of transition condition. Do you think Collectors also developing their vision as quickly?
It is regarded as an investment vehicle works of art really gained momentum in recent years in our country. Even the number of duplicate contemporary art collectors in the day by day. This of course we are very pleasing development for artists. However, the number of those who unfortunately still very little conscious collection ...
As I mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, I prefer stop and shop locations to do more three-dimensional work lately because I feel that is going to force me to work with compressed or two dimensions is not enough. 'Conscious stop and shop locations collectors' he was referring to it already, their visions of course.
Has been a very difficult question ... I'm impressed with the artists must periodically in time. But these are more than Peter is a film director like Greenaway or is currently very'm impressed and intense as I listened Anna Netrebko, can be opera singers such as Juan Diego Florez ... it is that this situation my creativity how much influence I do not know ...
Ebru would be interested Erbe: Banquet is grace! "Our Dinner is a mirror of our personality. Thought-out, attention to detail is given a table of our guests stop and shop locations make them feel valued. "Ebru was Erbe, making a difference with exclusive concept from each other in a stylish invitation with healthy eating principles and ha ... more ...

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