Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Strike quickly from his seat. Remove the plastic white table laid eye glasses. As soon as one of us

I wrote things about staying in dilemma share point to share myself nordbyen after I had decided that I should kill my dreams I opened this page bridegroom. spontaneity or sincerity .. people nordbyen should not have time to think after a certain point .. to gather in one place my confusion I have integrity and accuracy sensation makes .. cram into one room all unnecessary items of the same house, and sacrificed the room like having a spotless the rest of the returned home to fluffing cotton. .
He ran over to news of the death importance that every day thinking about when to get there when he got the news of the death of that person's nordbyen eternal nordbyen silence that felt stuck on the self since died. He knew from the first moment he heard the news of the death of the deceased himself was not interested. This fact he had excavated in the head a lot of time before he died, but that even the word for him to experience personally, so it was an experience that can not be explained by the feeling with your thoughts as a result. Now it was their survivors, nordbyen and that does not fit into the hands of a handful of so-called life, I am left with an ambiguous reality.
People are often surprised at what they will do in the case of this strange spirit and ceremonies, rituals are held. They offer their best wishes for the deceased to God. However, it is not for those who are not aware of all this uproar died for themselves. The collected and shared across the confusion of death, they try to camouflage creating a common consciousness. Death to relieve himself in the face of every human being ignorant, to get rid of confusion and look for a partner in crime in order to be able to continue his life, the weight of the responsibility of being human and tend to throw on others.
Now, to be human, to live, to face the facts and must relearn them or escape from them. After 80 years should come back to the world, he had to re-define itself and everything. Human being required to do so for him. But what it means to be human was also a question to be answered from that moment. You can then import the cigarettes, sip his favorite whiskey, the waves can greet the sunset with his wife while listening to the audio, you can go to the toilet, can shave, bath could do, he could walk up to the store to buy bread. Earlier during the life he or she could continue to do most of the things he did well again in this way. Now he does not want to make them not only literally could not tell you what all this means. After the first turn, then grasp the doorknob at such moments even after pulling its right to take the step into the room can turn into a surplus from a requirement. Because now knockers old knocker, door old door, the room old room, the steps are not old steps. During this uncertainty ceremony will want to do what he sought in his mind was to find anything. But he knew that everything he did had a share of a hand if he also unintentionally. It sank without a trace in terms of everything that reminds her of her death and buried in the sea with ultimately silence. nordbyen
One part was never die with his death. Unlike a piece of her mind added. Because he no longer had to live in her mind. Previously, the idea for which he had no life concretely found him to open a separate location.
Strike quickly from his seat. Remove the plastic white table laid eye glasses. As soon as one of us to his forehead trembling hands tried to take a deep breath, but did not succeed. nordbyen The warm April sun threw a few feeble steps aimlessly lit balcony. This image was one of many trying to move up from the ground and rubbing step. Consider that what he was trying to make a decision. He did not know how it should display an attitude of standing on the threshold of involvement in the balcony door and hugged him. Involuntarily and unconsciously she clung to his wife. His wife while they clamp their jaws on the shoulders of each other eyes left the peaceful golden branches of the April sun, while the back of her husband gently stroked it and white paint in places, dismantled old, with eyes no-nonsense and depth to the wooden balcony door stared for a while.
The last troops from a war that has fractured fragments of ideas in the consciousness of the university year aimlessly reminiscent of mutual drink, warning him that sentence for a moment:
"Life in the memories of the experience, the feeling is independent of thought and time. No matter what comes per life and not just remain outside of our life. If you're thinking that will stand

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