Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Electric light bulb of 27 January 1880 numbered 223 898 patent document. In 1879, Edison invented g

Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison's childhood, in Milan, Ohio, was born. Seven sister is 7. His father, Samuel "The Iron Shovel" Edison, Jr. (1804-1896) (Canada), the mother of Nancy Matthews Elliott (1810-1871) stop. It is believed that the Dutch itself. [4] it moved to Port Huron in Michigan gmarket kr with his family at the age of seven and began his primary education here. But about 4 months after the start he was expelled from school because of the slowness of perception. [5] Meanwhile, he founded a chemical laboratory in the cellar of their house. Especially chemistry experiments with electricity and Volta containers were interested in the research for obtaining [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]; After a while he made a telegraph instrument gmarket kr on his own and learned the Morse code. In those days he had begun a result of a serious illness to severe hearing ear. [15] 12 years old selling a train in magazines and fruit, a small printing machine with one hand, it places the burden wagon train was printing a weekly newspaper. But one of the things which chemicals a day in the fire exit in the broken wagon Edison and his job was on the train was injured in a way that both the lifetime of deafness. [16] He then decided to learn telegraphy Edison from 1863 to 1868 he worked in several telegraph US and Canada. He sets up a workshop in 1868 but did not sell it after a year of patented electric recording device broke and owed as from Boston gmarket kr to New York went. [16] [5] [6] marriage [citation needed] In December 24, 1871, he married 16-year-old Mary Stilwell, whom he met two months ago. It had three children: gmarket kr Marion Estelle Edison (known as the Dot), Thomas Alva Edison, Jr. (Known as the Dash) and William Leslie Edison. [17] Mary Edison died on 9 August 1884. 1880 in Fort Myers, bought a plot of land in Florida, and then he made himself a little house built here to stay for the winter. Henry Ford, the great man after the auto industry recently moved a few hundred meters beyond gmarket kr the Edison's home. Therefore, Edison and Ford remained friends until his death. February 24, 1886 Edison made his second marriage with 19-year-old Mina Miller. [18] This was the three children from the marriage: Madeleine Edison, John Eyre Sloane [19] [20] Charles Edison (after his father died was the New Jersey administrator.) [21] Theodore Edison. [22] The invention [edit]
Electric light bulb of 27 January 1880 numbered 223 898 patent document. In 1879, Edison invented gmarket kr the electric light bulb. [23] After having experimented with the Flemish carburized filament yarn was decided on charred paper. [24] In 1880, the one producing the bulbs can be used safely at home began to sell 2.5 dollars. However, in 1878, a British scientist, Joseph Wilson Swan has also invented an electric bulb. And it was located in a glass bulb filament carburized. Swan did not burn up in the airless environment because the filaments were unloading the air inside the bulb. He decided to merge these two sciences of man power and founded the Edison Swan Electric Light Company. [25] In 1883, the biggest invention of life held the event called Edison effect; found that the molecular spacing in the electron emissions from a heated filament. This event formed the basis of the hot cathode tubes found in 1883. Then it was able to improve the production of incandescent lamp, the light bulb that has led to widespread among the population. gmarket kr [26] [27]
Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory gmarket kr in Menlo Park, Edison's most important discovery, in New Jersey was the first industrial research laboratory. gmarket kr Technological discoveries are constantly making improvements and enhancements-such was the first institution established for a specific purpose. gmarket kr [28] Edison's many inventions officially produced in the laboratory, many employees of this invention in accordance with his directives are involved in research and development. [29] electrical engineer William Joseph Hammer, gmarket kr in December 1879 began working as Edison's laboratory assistant. Telephone, phonograph, electric railway, iron ore separator, electric lighting and has made major contributions in many other inventions. [30] Hammer electric light bulb was invented in France and are specific to this tool during the development and testing work. Hummer 1880 also became chief engineer of the Edison lamp operation, which in the first year of the reworked Francis Robbins Upton 's general manager of his factory has produced 50,000 bulbs. According to Edison, Hammer is a leading electric bulb. 1000 is located near patents. [31]
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2010 (6) November (6) of the LIFE TKOMAS PASREUR gmarket kr Luis Alva Edison bulb of gravity E = mc2, the basic physics of life fo ... Einstein's mass-energy gmarket kr equivalence

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