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An exception to the standard document Westminster | PCA Korean presbytery data collection
June 4, 2013 Leave a comment denomination of PCA PCUS (Southern Presbyterian) Mine is far from the classifier is the slogan "Faithful to the Scripture, true to the reformed faith and obedient to the great commission (translated as: the Bible to be true Reformed sams wholesale faith for the faithful to obey the commandments of yen) "was. The most consistent doctrine of the Bible and the Westminster system was recognized as the center of the church confessional healthily as being built to allow for all officers sams wholesale to sign the Westminster Confession of Faith (subscription), you asked that. However, the Westminster Confession of Faith, a document that is created by people who can not have final authority to teach calligraphy Westminster Confession itself because the exceptions may be allowed two.
Exceptions to put in PCA largest part of the Westminster Confession of Faith, 21.8 "entertainment" sams wholesale for the part. (Including me) are not a few officers on the Sabbath in the Bible which views can not forbid entertainment. When you have such a different view gangdosa / Pastor notice must inform the presbytery, and even later when there is a change of opinion must be informed of the presbytery. And the presbytery with different points of view among the Reformed theology is that you can determine whether or not to take action in accordance with the BCO.
Have a different view of the matter is that you can not violate it free or teaching. For example, the Westminster Confession of Faith, 4.1 means that creation is completed during the 6 days 24 hours (literally interpreted) in terms of the part of the record. However, another interpretation (day-age, framework ... etc), but with the exception of two pastors exceptions based humility sams wholesale and punishing sams wholesale their teaching perspectives (different interpretations as to refrain sams wholesale from criticism) should be the teaching of the Westminster Confession of Faith (24 hours) are also obliged to teach.
Recently, Pacific North Presbytery pastor at a general meeting of the exception for infant communion was the issue. sams wholesale Westminster determine the contents of a standard article of faith that can not prevent the person sams wholesale who can treat the sacrament. Exception-based pastor when he read the Bible and interpret the sacrament to treat infants with gold about the obvious explanation that there are no exceptions based on two eoteumyeo Reformed Presbytery doctrine is the basis for the exception is determined not to spoil it. Current RPR (presbytery Rock censorship), the presbytery was passing judgment was right. But even infants have a different view, treating the sacrament is also strictly forbidden to teach only their own views prohibited. And the pastor and other brethren who love peace in the PCA church hameuro Let it be obliged to be obedient.
This year is an exception among the non-biblical grounds, but then the same exception RPR (classis sams wholesale rock censorship), sams wholesale we can not seem to take exception to a few came out. Sabbath: Jesus Christ accomplished through effective because it does not at the time of the New Testament. Therefore, the Christian sams wholesale Sabbath (Sunday) is a new concept that almost certainly is not easy to cope with the Old Testament Sabbath. So, the work days of the Old Testament commandment forbids not valid value. Infant Communion: daehalttae passing the sacrament of grace, because grace can get infants (Roman Catholic position). Creation (Day-age view) that there was corruption even before the death jujangham (day-age itself is not a problem among the day-age boneunya historically Adam before the Fall, and, depending on whether the death was an exception Did recognized even in the ).
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