Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The new press release is stripped of controversial statements on Afrikaans hollow, like that exclus

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Jansen him in a recent lecture on campus that spoke out against what he described as white, exclusively African schools. The African Language Board, Afrikaner Bond, AfriForum and the FF + has lashed out at his comments. Jansen says he does not fall Afrikaans as a language, but do want to see that African schools are more diverse.
The new press release is stripped of controversial statements on Afrikaans hollow, like that exclusively African schools or even predominantly white Afrikaans schools is a serious threat to race relations ladies market hong kong in South-Africa poses. The new release also clarifies its position on language teaching - it is about the quality of education that guarantees success. Read more here.
following section Increasing BEE bring greater harm - Solidarity The upcoming tightening of the Act Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and the accompanying BEE codes will be South Africans in general harmed.
Jansen has always greatly respected for its sober and well-reasoned opinions, and also managed the UV still the home to many white Afrikaners. He will always be remembered for.
Yet it seems that Prof Jansen something of the aspirations, longings, ladies market hong kong fears and deep inner feelings of Africans do not understand. It is precisely for this reason that Professor Jansen it "normal" to find his statements to make and for the same reason that Africans feel upset about the same emissions. And it is precisely this shred of familiarity that exists ladies market hong kong of a people, nation, culture, language group to another, ladies market hong kong there is a variety and always will be.
It is very healthy communication between ladies market hong kong the variety, especially in South Africa, must take place to understand ladies market hong kong each other to grow and bring about tranquility. Each other together with stones pelted want, will do more harm than good. So, the best recipe is simple but continuously talking to each other remains.
The only reason for the so-called sukkle in the workplace has nothing to do with the language of instruction occurs but because of the strong poitieke goals in the work place driven. I last a while as a "stupid" uitlaating our top Academics audience.
South Africa is now the rape capital of the world After 19 years of ANC rule, we have the dubious Achieved Distinction of being 140TH on a world list of 144 countries for our education department. We are Officially the country where the most hijacks take place We are'll be on the top ten list for the most murders In 19 years the Rand / USdollar exchange rate has gone from R3.41 to the dollar to about R10.00 to During the dollars ladies market hong kong ANC rule the petrol price has gone up from R1.73 to R12.83 per liter per liter In 19 years our defense force has gone from being the iron fist of Africa to a laughing stock On the list of most ze corrupt ladies market hong kong Governments have Given us a special place right at the top In 19 years, we have at times more people in Squatter camps and 1000% more illegal ladies market hong kong immigrants In 19 years our roads, railways, military, police, municipal services, ladies market hong kong old age homes, hospitals and orphanages have literally fallen apart and are worth nothing anymore No other country on the planet has more convicted criminals in their parliament than U.S. 25% of all South African school girls are HIV positive Our school girls had 100,000 abortions last Those years and are the only legal ones
- The Apartheid government built at Universities for Blacks including Medunsa Which is a unique medical university dat turned out 200 highly qualified doctors ladies market hong kong every year Black at all state costs, paid for by the White taxpayers. It'll be Trained paramedics and nurses.
- In an article called "The Afrikaner" 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called "Vox Africana" No. 29 4/87 stated that, South Africa had 5.8 million Whites and Blacks 18.2 million in 1987. The Whites paid 77% of the taxes and the Blacks only 15% ... despite this ... 56% of the government budget was spent on Blacks.
- During the time of Dr.. Verwoerd the living ladies market hong kong standards of Blacks Were rising at 5.4% per year against therein or the Whites at 3.9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second Highest in the world at 7.9%. The rate of inflation was a lake 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings ulcers so great dat South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.
- At the Hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 football fields, 3 Rugby fields,

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