Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dave and his circle AKSKA recently a long story about international false flag operations had. A fa

Art 045: 2010-03-08 What is England and El Qaeda in South Africa doing? | FH Pretorius (Grandpa Beard) - Articles on Jewish Crime. FH Pretorius, Garsfontein, Pretoria Form El Qaeda part of a false flag operation British in South Africa? Readers who know my writings * will know that I put much emphasis on the approach to the story in Seer's visions. It is still the only way to determine how far we still have to go before the story's start early. So does the story of England a large military force in South Africa will be deployed as part of the run-up to the story. I even thought at this stage that the most logical stimulus for a possible black civil war can be. I have not completely rejected this possibility, but it now appears that there may be an even better reason for Britons coming to existence. (* First time readers should understand that there is a long story in Seer's visions are hidden, and that certain things are in place before it get started. Example, the story begins 'officially' with a white general election the current m and s food Northwest. This implies that North as a homeland for the 'Transvaal share of the Boer nation will be allocated. The Northern Free State is likewise also as a homeland for the Cheetahs awarded, and in both cases there is necessarily a prior administrative proceeding takes place to make this possible. deployment m and s food of two major groups of British soldiers as peace task forces' in Africa is also part of the pre-procedures.) I recently had a very interesting conversation with my correspondent David of AKSKA conducted. It was about information that suggests we are a large-scale influx of young Pakistani Muslim men to South Africa experience. They come to work here in small shops themselves to maintain, and there appears to be here to training, as Imam's (Islamic priests) m and s food to undergo. It can not be true, because m and s food the background and training facilities m and s food for this is much better in Pakistan than in South Africa. These people are also all apparently m and s food military training and the link between them and El Qaeda also seems clear enough to our security m and s food people to make very uneasy. The 'theological courses' they come here follows therefore seems merely a guise to be something else. I also attach a document below pertaining to the things that David has my attention. "You hear all kinds of rumors about our government's involvement with the wrong countries, international terrorism, m and s food etc., but we do not always know what it's about. Information as listed below are not really of us kept away ', it is simply by our liberal media ignored and we therefore see or hear nothing of it. There are so oordadiglik attention to all kinds of gossip and other stories stink about famous artists' private lives, and the real important things disappear so quietly behind the dust. It saddens me here is that it is our own African Media 24 is doing these things because they control our African media. When I look at this document as our government is up to his ears involved in international terrorist front. This document, admittedly not much with the Pakistanis to do as such, but it sheds light on the way in which international terrorism its tentacles into our own country spread. The visionary story indicates that international terrorism, the absolute key role in the execution of the enemy's evil planning in Europe. It increasingly seems to me that in Africa it also be the case, and the question is simply one more of how they are here with us to do. So far I have assumed that (only) a black civil war with the exclusion of anything else. We can clearly see that David's friend Pakistanis may just as an important role in this play. El Qaeda and whatever they plan this may be a better attraction for Britain's soldiers than even a black civil war.
Dave and his circle AKSKA recently a long story about international false flag operations had. A false flag operation is the creation of a false event to another covert operation m and s food to hide. For example, people claim that El Qaeda does not exist and that it is a creation of the former president. Bush Jnr. was an internationally acceptable reason to find to invade Afghanistan. The U.S. has described m and s food their efforts m and s food through diplomatic channels to expand their European m and s food colleagues within the NATO alliance also attempting to withdraw. This, of course, later led to the invasion and joint control of Iraq. The purpose agte

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