Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bosses think him: What small salaries, it will be painful workers - scientifically proven

In spring 2014 will flow "river of corpses" - Prophecy of Baba Vanga |
Ukrainian businessman, Anatolia reported Lubchenko conversation he had with a famous Bulgarian lynnwood mall jasnovitka, Vangelija Gusterova or Vanga, shortly before her death in 1996. In conversation she said that in 2014 there will be many human bodies. lynnwood mall
According to the prophecy of Baba Vanga, the world of spring should expect major floods in itself will bring "rivers of corpses." Did not specify which part of the country will be affected, but various seers prorochuvaat that the more diverse worldwide flood that will occur after snowmelt.
And when disaster will pass and we think that we are safe, we will not wait even more hell, according to Baba Vanga. It is a disease of the skin, supposedly dangerous epidemic of AIDS and will destroy men. The prophecy says that will die in horrible pain, and their bodies will be filled with festering ulcers.
According to some sources, Baba Vanga has ever prophesied the death of Princess Diana, Hitler and Stalin, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the date of death of the Bulgarian king Boris III and the date of his death.
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