Wednesday, January 22, 2014

From Skopje immediately responded that they are willing to take responsibility for charges around t

Wednesday, January fashion show mall stores 22, 2014 :: Nr. 15480 Advertisement Policies Contact Subscriptions Friends Archives published every day except Sunday. The first issue came out on 11/11/1963 Year. Home News Economy Skopje Balkan and World Culture Sports Fun On Home Video
Mayor of Center Andrew Zernovski at yesterday's session of the Council, proposed point that provides the entire financial burden of maintaining monuments and fountains in the center to take over the city of Skopje
All fees for monuments and fountains fashion show mall stores of Skopje 2014 in Center to take City. This proposal which provides for complete fees for all monuments and fountains of Skopje 2014 project in the territory of the center to pay the City of Skopje, yesterday agenda of the sixth session of the municipality. This draft Municipal require city officials to take full financial responsibility, and therefore its budget to relieve the cost of about 250 thousand annually. Although Zernovski was not present at yesterday's meeting, he is the initiator fashion show mall stores of this item.
Extremely contradictory is that Zernovski just months after the mayoral chair sat engulfed municipal administration party with his soldiers, inviting bids for organizing celebrations and stretch the box office with new spending, and now wants to get rid of all charges provided for Monuments fashion show mall stores and fountains in his municipality.
Councillors of the Municipality of VMRO Center commented that the disputed item for the cost of the monuments deliberately moved from 8th to 12th of the agenda in order to terminate the session, fashion show mall stores and the point to be postponed for the next meeting.
The draft decision on transferring the cost of the monuments that were found yesterday on the agenda of the session of the Centre stands next explanation. - Centar as investor monuments, bridges fashion show mall stores the river Vardar Macedonia Square fountains, square Karpos uprising in other locations fashion show mall stores and two fountains in the bed of the river Vardar and other supporting content has responsibility for maintenance for which the municipality ever took care through contracts with authorized entities. Last year alone the fountain on the square Macedonia and two fountains fashion show mall stores in the bed of the river Vardar paid about 145 thousand euros, according fashion show mall stores to a draft point.
From Skopje immediately responded that they are willing to take responsibility for charges around the monuments, but before you have to make the revised budget. - If the Council of the Municipality of Centar make such a decision, the City of Skopje is ready to take the monuments. fashion show mall stores All other details will be worked fashion show mall stores out if the municipality adopted the Decision Center, responded to the Department of Public Relations of the city.
Otherwise just last year the cost of providing fountains and monuments totaled 58 thousand euros, maintaining the eternal flame in the park Female Fighter cost 6900 euros were spent on gas 3400 euros to maintain the fountains and monuments 111 thousand euros, stream fountains are paid 35,660 euros for the rental fashion show mall stores of warehouse space costs were EUR 41 000 in total is around 258 thousand euros. Open meeting behind locked doors Although the sessions of the Council of the Municipality of Centre should be open ended yesterday of doors for entry into the yard of the municipality fashion show mall stores were padlocked. So, to get to the shed where the meeting was held yesterday at the Council, reporters had to weave between trees in the municipal court. However, the municipality center is part of the answer why the doors were padlocked.
Why is my comment not coming and Share Web? Leave a Comment Bookmark All fields are required! Who: Comment: * Please enter the code and hit submit They do not know ... , 07.12.2013 02:58:24 A for us ordinary citizens and not much difference, whether the municipality or the City Center, in the end we will pay :) 12.07.2013 02:58 | (13) | Like xxl, 12.07. 2013 01:12:25 Zirka saka da im obezbedi kikiriki (pari) na ovie Damite, za da odat da se suncat vo eladata, a zosto da ne odat primer na gradskata plaza vo Skopje a? 12.07.2013 01:12 | (11) | Like Sheknat eden, 12.07.2013 00:30:47 Ova samo bolen um mozhe da go kazhe, a ne zdrav. Shto se zamisluva toj Zhernovski, deka opshtina Centar e negovo nasledtsvo li? I hipotetichki da kazheme deka e taka, ke se smeta deka "nasledil" od toa shto zateknal kako "imot" vo toa vreme koga doshol na vlast a ne so generacii predhodno. Neznam shto se sluchuva vo Makedonija, no se poveke mi izgleda deka zdraviot fashion show mall stores um u se poretko se naogja i se poveke preovladuvaat umnobolnite. A zoshto ne gi lechat, izgleda deka taa "epidemija" se shiri i kaj zdravstvoto pa nema koj da gi izlechi. 12.07.2013 00:30 | (23) | Like

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