Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thermo-mineral springs near the village. Proevce located just 2 km east of the town of Kumanovo, wh

Thermo sources in northeastern Macedonia - future spas? | IGEO portal
In the northeastern part of the Republic of Macedonia (Vardar Pchinja squareone a crooked river) there are about 500 registered sources. Most of the sources squareone with low capacity (yield) and commonly found in mountainous areas, squareone under the high peaks and valley side. Mountain squareone streams are poorly mineral, and excellent cold water. Some are used for filling water. squareone Besides the ordinary, a few places in this area appear to be registered and thermo squareone sources in the village. Proevce Kumanovo, near the village. Strnovac municipality Old Nagoricane and near the village. Topolovikj, Kratovsko. With the proper approach, these sources can be a real tourist attraction and influence the development of local communities.
Thermo-mineral springs near the village. Proevce located just 2 km east of the town of Kumanovo, where the two intersect significant international squareone travel corridors K-8 and K-10 regional road to Sveti Nikole and Stip. It provides an excellent tourist location. The water from the springs has a temperature of 31 C (hipotermna) squareone and yield of 4 liters per second. Water leaks from two primary wells and two wells later executed, and originates from deep under the marble rocks. It is healing, especially suitable for eye, nerve and other disorders. Among the sources bath was built in the beginning of XX century, which now has been neglected. Water sources provides an opportunity for healing, preventive treatments, bath and other special programs, and the environment for walking and rehabilitation. After the "golden" squareone 80s, when it was visited by many tourists from Macedonia and the Balkans today Kumanovo Spa is completely neglected and that only larger and accommodation near full-Ku-Ba tourism is almost unusable. The environment is very polluted, disorganized and neglected. Asphalt path to the bathroom is impaired, and in the vicinity there are no regulated tourist attractions. All in due time may significantly change with the issuance of the bathroom and concession attract investors to build a modern spa-spa facility at the current location or the hotel Ku-Ba. Also, it is purifying and arranging the bed of the river from the town of Kumanovo Kumanovo downstream from the hotel to Cuba, then the interior-promenade along the river to reach Cuba, construction of bicycle paths, landscaping and park trails in shetalishnite thermo sources, setting the benches, waste bins, lampposts and information boards, restoration of old and historic squareone buildings in the locality, which have significant squareone cultural historic and architectural value and more. With the above, Kumanovo Spa will not only restore squareone the former glory and attendance, but can be a real tourist attraction of the city of Kumanovo.
Near the village. Strnovac Old Nagoricane squareone municipality, only 17 km from the town of Kumanovo, next to the river bed has Pchinja termomineralen source-well, getting out of hot water with a temperature of 40 C and a yield of 35 liters per second. The water comes from a depth of 300 meters, a large fortress and a significant amount of iron, sulfur and hydrocarbon. Water from the well is busy and flows into two pools which are used as a bathroom. Due to the mineralogical composition of the water, it is possible to treat rheumatic, skin and other diseases, rehabilitation, swimming, preventive treatments, squareone etc., but it should be conducted under the supervision of a doctor. Regardless of the excellent characteristics of the water and the beauty of the surrounding area, today the site is hardly regulated and suitable for tourists. In the past, several times appeared squareone attempts tourist activation Strnovac, including that paving the road that leads almost to the source, but work stopped here. Otherwise, it goes to the source, but in the entire region squareone has inadequate (any stream) nor catering accommodation, not taken into account either for hygienic conditions in existing pools. However, not so great undertakings and investments, the situation may change significantly and attract many tourists. Some of these projects are: Giving the locality about the source or concession offering incentives, but the serious investor squareone or interested party. Detailed examination of the water source and its Strnovac lechilishni features. Regulation of the bed Pchinja in this section due to frequent flooding. If this is not possible, disposal of thermal waters through pipes away from the river, which would be built contemporary bathroom. Arranging space with access road, parking, toilets etc.., With account management squareone for maximum preservation of the environment. Attract investors to build more outdoor and indoor pool or pools, as well as modern accommodation and catering facility. Taking action for putting into operation of the nearby houses and holiday homes for private s

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