Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to support the standards of "Capital", you can do so here. Thank you. Amount of donation: Donation oxendales my account Payment is by
Apple sold over 300 thousand copies in iPad premiere day internet tablet. oxendales my account Even if you hate everything about the device, see end of text how some people hate the iPad even more. 5 Apr 2010
The turning point in the electronic distribution of books will make reading through screen increasingly popular 8 Jan 2010
Apple in the country of silicon
Amerikanska Corporation computer oxendales my account ... Imagine the whole file is something like a laptop, but without a keyboard. This is a so-called tablet. Have a portable screen, a built low-energy but relatively powerful processor. The tablet is greater than a smartphone, but smaller than a laptop. Since there is no keyboard, it is controlled by touching the screen with your fingers or a special "pen" oxendales my account called stylus. Not so many people faced with the live such devices, even though they existed for years. So far sales are symbolic and similar computers are used in narrow niches. This year, however, there is a real chance this change. In recent months the major hardware manufacturers seemed to have conspired - suddenly public space is flooded with rumors about upcoming premieres of tablet computers of new generation. The peak in this kind of hysteria are snowballing speculation about how on January 26 this year Apple will launch of a revolutionary tablet that will change our computers forever. And given that the company Steve Jobs officially said no one, I repeat no one, word on the subject ... Surely you've seen in American movies how often the entrance to the restaurant is one that marks something on a similar tablet. "Until now, manufacturers of tablets install Windows oxendales my account on these computers," said to "Capital" John Martelaro, a former senior marketing director at Apple. "In addition, they are managed with a pen," he said. "I was recently in the hospital oxendales my account and noticed oxendales my account that all the nurses had lost their PDA Stylus (pen)," explains John Martelaro. According to him, the time for massification tablet really come as technology evolved enough. Martelaro is categorical: "Low-energy CPUs From manufacturer PA Semi, owned by Apple, a quality oxendales my account LCD screens, better batteries, software enabling control finger and SSD memory is technology for which the time comes to tablets." The tablet can be revolutionary, because there's a chance he could remove two of the oldest tools for navigation - keyboard and mouse. Intuitive navigation with fingers is very important. Thus, to do something on the screen, you will not have to move anything and will just touch. This probably will unlock huge potential innovation for software developers to write programs with unexpected opportunities before. If you have an iPhone or other smartphone with a screen, a touch screen, you have an idea of what it is. Another screen in our lives lack of keyboard means that we may have little functional PC in the form of screen to use in new places. In the bathroom, on the couch, while traveling in secret during a boring meeting in the car. The large screen tablet will be suitable for surfing the web, watching videos, photos, games, and maybe reading. oxendales my account "In the past, computers were invented to create content, but today the most used part of the system is a screen," said a "Capital" Yair Reiner, an analyst at consulting firm Oppenheimer. It separated in one device, in theory get everything you need to consume digital content. Not all, however, would be great - the lack of keyboard you have trouble writing long text. So tablets will probably alienate a lot of people, but the effect can be huge. If he had, the new way in which we see the internet will probably change the look of the site - in the same way as they are accustomed to mobile phones. No one is sure how tablets will actually mess up the status quo. It really is a fact that so far these computers fail to excite oxendales my account people. But it is also true that for the first time have the technology needed to create a tablet suitable for all people. All we look at Apple and a company that has the strength to cope with such a revolutionary task. It's called Apple. She once failed a digital notebook Newton, oxendales my account but it happens in 90 years. Ie before Steve Jobs to in

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