Saturday, January 4, 2014

Worldwide Analysis Research Projects loft store Electronic Press media environment, internet, new m

Worldwide Analysis Research Projects loft store Electronic Press media environment, internet, new media, loft store television in Bulgaria: 1954-2014 the program. Journalism. Regulation. New Media Criticism Events Atelier Mediametar E-books
Creation of idols, loft store worship them and debunking them is one of the most characteristic traits of human nature. If the life of the so-called "celebrities" or "stars" [1] was not so important for ordinary people not to follow them huge masses of fanatically loyal supporters. [2]
Today, thanks to information technology and the transformation of the media into a true fourth power, celebrities not only become an integral part of the daily life of every member of society, but also acquire considerable influence socially. The ability to "touch" to the enchanting world of stars steadily increased.
Modern celebrities loft store owe their popularity especially the film industry, particularly Hollywood loft store - the real "star factory", the center setting global trends in this regard. Television, with its huge technical and creative possibilities further promote and accelerate this process repeatedly. No small role play and other media. Importance is the conversion of showbiz and sport in winning individual industries.
Essentially today is shaped entirely new market segment that specializes in the promotion of the stars and live alone on account of this. All information publications literally brimming with stories and comments about celebrities. Specializing in "secular" issues publications, numerous sites and electronic networks, even those considered most serious and conservative newspapers and magazines devote more attention to the achievements and difficult loft store moments in the life of stars. Star status become participants in various shows, most of the TV presenters, some of the most prominent politicians, art artists, businessmen and journalists.
The appearance of celebrities in different loft store types of advertisements and other market-oriented communication events already perceived as a phenomenon that is understood by itself. Today, as never amazes fact that 20% of the ads included celebrities. And most importantly loft store - all evidence that these campaigns benefit not only of great public popularity, but also achieved loft store very good economic results.
So logically formed one of the most interesting trends in modern marketing - "Marketing of celebrities" (celebrity marketing). [3] Its essence is generally limited to the effective operation of celebrities for marketing purposes. Choosing a celebrity to participate loft store in the marketing communication process, the communicator seeks to obtain instant fame. He wants a part of the charm, prestige and glamor of celebrities to surrender and the advertised product and the latter loft store by association to acquire some of the characteristics and valuable assets of this stellar personality, becoming a special loft store item. Indeed, the "right" star who enjoys the respect of the audience and has a corresponding round pilgrims and already has created around himself an atmosphere of trust by agreeing to the creation of an association of its image with that of the advertised loft store product, gives the last very significant "support from a third party" and provides a positive effect on the advertising campaign (positive image transfer). Essentially celebrities advertise plausible and improve the flow of communication process. Moreover, celebrities help to create a positive attitude towards the recommended loft store brand and shaping its individual identity. They are one of the best tools for drawing attention to "our" communications and distinction of "our" product than its competitors. Celebrities greatly enhance the communicative loft store power-tion as rise above the noise in the communication process.
Greatest loft store value of the celebrities involved in advertising, PR and other marketing communications today is recognized by virtually everyone. Star referral loft store program (celebrity endorsement) acts as a testament to the high quality of the company, product or service and is able to significantly increase their reputation. [4] The importance of celebrity advertising is beginning to be understood in the late 19th century when some of the more progressive advertisers resort to the use of certain celebrities such peculiar pioneers dictate market trends. From a chronological point of view, believing that the world's first celebrity ad recommendable is the British actress Lillie Langtry, whose face appears on packages of soap Pears Soap. This happened in 1893 Later in the early 20th century the names and images of many celebrities such as Sarah Bernhardt, Thomas Edison, loft store Ferdinand

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