Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The cult complex faculties of the largest university in the country, then known as the University C

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Capital, as per a pre-written rule of European civilization, is also the center of the state university. riverside mall Neither Skopje headquarters of the largest higher education institution in Macedonia, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius ", riverside mall is no exception to this established tradition. Architectural revival after the earthquake in 1964 has left the city a large and significant buildings that are nested testicular self scientific or educational institutions simply places that tie bright memories of countless generations, although often criticized for their gramadnost and dark rigor . Guide you through some of retroproshetka important meeting place that attest to the student life of modern Skopje.
The cult complex faculties of the largest university in the country, then known as the University Center. Built in 1974 by the Slovenian project architect Mark Mushikj. Many consider it unworkable and too small for the needs of today's scientific and educational activities of the University. According to some accounts, riverside mall the complex should be running around riverside mall their waist to Skopje Fair, where they were provided dormitories and various supporting content.
Returning for a moment to the past, a small number of young people who know that the Skopje University was once housed in a building located on the present parking area opposite the hotel "Holiday Inn". Due to damage from the earthquake in 1963, the building was completely destroyed, in order to provide space for new buildings provided by the Master Plan of the Japanese architect Kenzo Tange, but their construction was never begun.
The new railway station in Skopje node that intersect most impressive student stories from Macedonia. Rivers students came from the platforms and set off the largest transportation center in the state. Placed in service riverside mall on July 27, 1981, after nearly ten years of construction, which took place under the direct supervision of its conceptual creator, the Japanese architect Kenzo Tange.
Most dorm in Macedonia, "Goce Delchev", built in 1971, then called "Student Center". Its author, architect George Konstantinovski deliberately made narrow corridors of the house when you spend two to bump and say "hello".
Boarding House "Kuzman Josifovski riverside mall earthy", which is located in the center of town, and once had a large cafeteria, which suffered massive damage in the earthquake and was demolished due to weak static.
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