Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I love our capital city. I went to Prague as a child with his parents. I went to Prague as the girl

I love our capital city. I went to Prague as a child with his parents. I went to Prague as the girl herself. I went to Prague with children. I go to Prague with her husband. We went last weekend in Prague with a grandson. We wanted to show him that as much as possible. Vyšehrad Wenceslas Square, Petrin Hill, Prague Castle .....
But he is still squirt and most of all of Prague metro amuses him. So I take the metro. Deliberately fast shopping choosing routes with transit, so enjoyed it. The transfer station explaining to him how the intersection works, and he said: "So the measure now goes over us."
In the evening I read aloud from the Old Czech Legends and I find that they are written in a language fast shopping that is difficult for me, let alone for the preschool child. But listening is so ucaprtaný fast shopping that neither doth protest. His mother doth protest too, but falls asleep there. And I know how it was with Horymír. Next time it intelligible language and explain these two.
Petrin is clear, and there's five years old now report that looks like the Eiffel Tower. fast shopping It is a miniature, but the stairs is 299 and the view is beautiful. A maze got him. All of us. Our main how cheerfully laughed. Got me and how beautifully they are Petrin fast shopping maintained. fast shopping Wow.
The Prague Castle is dense. All the more densely it is just 12 hours a changing of the guard takes place with fanfare. I want my grandson to explain how to recognize that the president's home. Finally, do not even know this exactly. When the presidential standard is posted, it is the castle, or it means that it is at home in the Czech Republic?
Down the stairs we go, NERUDOVKA we went last year and souvenir shops poisoned me a lot. Nothing I've Czech is found. At the Charles Bridge stretches from the river cold. I do not envy those who are on the boat. We envy those who are warm. Eating go to a Chinese restaurant, which is not very patriotic, fast shopping but the Czech is in this part of the world to our liking too expensive. The 'Old Town Square' husband got a taste for ice cream and because we okýnkách the clock, saw only the last two "guys". Never mind, we're at the clock for the first time and certainly not the last.
On the way to the metro is a shop with chocolate. There we spooned sweets, last year and this year again. I milky vanilla filling, bitter husband with lemon filling, white with nuts grandson, his mother bitter with pistachios. Sweet.
Next time we go. Next time grandson will know that it's the metro and next time I do I know if I'm not old Czech legend translated into language that is understandable to children today, in order to patriotism took the next step. Because I only think I like our capital city, I am proud of the city and I want to once i was proud of him. That is it pathetic? For me not.
Well, now I opened the Old Czech Legends and the Horymir fast shopping read alone, I do not know why they resolved to jump. We have a book from 1961, and is illustrated by Jiri Trnka, if it is written in the language-bound, I can not remember. Even for me from a small town, is Metro as a sideshow to the food usually end up in KFC. We have breaded chicken breast and mashed potatoes. ;-)
I'm (from) fast shopping born in Prague. I have so far, sometimes I'll go to Prague and lifelong habits have not left me yet. But honestly - I'd love to go back here, beyond civilization. fast shopping In peace, fast shopping the silence, do lots of space ... I would not want to live in Prague.

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