Monday, May 19, 2014

Tengku Fauziana Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia My wife told Muhkhairi .. Mom to Son and Son Arya

Assalammualaikum uols .. Harini m&m store new york not how counsel la .. pharynx perit and cough .. dah start any other sound .. I Kerapkan ni .. I do not counsel any juice .. Tu simptomsimptom age is increasing tow ... eeemmm new kid on leave cete pi ni no where else .. Look kat fb and ig all be on a vacation pi kat sea la .. pi .. Ye jauhjauh2 way it khamis tu la labor day off .. so crowded la tu leave the series continues Friday .. I'm not that keje Saturday .. So just take the road budakbudak tu je kat Citta Mall .. Bored leave the house sat kat ken .. Snap Picca here ... # PrayforMH370 Pastu la papa entered the shop selling clothes and shoe .. De is pleasing but not size No lacquer .. It nyer shoe I bought .. Pastu entered the tavern ni .. Happi Kiddo .. Shop selling barangbarang baby, Mother Care kinds exist la tu .. All of the food to katil .. seriously comeycomey all goods kat situ .. Infuriated I know .. but the price was allowed to hold la .. I bought m&m store new york pasta for arfan animal je .. dah indeed looking for any long pasta for baby ni .. then next Wondermilk Pastu no raging m&m store new york slave boy entering eat kat situ .. hahah .. Not one mama .. ye .. wakaka lepaklepak Just drink water and eat Grandpa je .. Download and rv rainbow cupcakes Rainbow je .. dah dirembat m&m store new york by aryan cookies tu .. he was not .. This kid He raging slave boy in. .. hahah .. Tu face is not satisfied to what tu ... muahaaa ... It was a busy boy slave tecik eat .. So papa bribes Lama rainbow cupcake .. Thanx .. luv u papa .. Uh, that thanx pe tu. . adalaaaa ... hahaha .. Mama wear shawl Arfan wear rompers army .. army .. Aryan Batman beacon m&m store new york wear army clothes army superman so superman .. la .. Remove the finished meal stop shop kat hp .. nak exchange papa screen protector. . So I was overlap sekaki exchange protectar screen .. because I had to bite the deck hit dah tu .. Pastu arfan buy once the casing hp .. happy boy later use for a monopod .. I wear flip sekrang kind of illness .. klu nak difficult to first open the monopod .. hit .. aish vile. This slave was boring sitting m&m store new york in a stroller lamalama .. Wokay .. jom wokay we return ye dear .. Tu pasta animal kat buy happi kiddo .. plastic also seems kind of simple but exclusive ..
Tengku Fauziana Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia My wife told Muhkhairi .. Mom to Son and Son Aryan Myrza Mykail Arfan .. 3 youth who was always brighten my life .. View my complete profile
Son Aryan Myrza
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2014 (76) May (12) Eliminate Stress Soon Arfan Bento # 75 & 76: Can Gak Animal Pasta Short Vacay - Avilion Admiral Cove, PD Like a Bee Buzy Teaser ~ Port Dickson Happy Weekend!!!! Arfan Bento # 74: BE overslept 5 jig-dancing :)) Arfan Bento # 73: Snack Bento Citta Mall & Wondermilk Bento Egg Benedict Arfan # 70,71 & 72: Mac Bolognese April (18) Mac (16) February (14) January (16) 2013 (205) Disember (16) November (18) October (20) September (20) Ogos (15) Julai (19) June (19) May (15) April (11) Mac (16) February (19) January (17) 2012 (218) Disember (10) November (14) October (16) September (12) Ogos (9) Julai (13) June (21) (20) April (20) Mac (31) February (25) January (27) 2011 (184) Disember (29) November m&m store new york (16) October (12) September (3) Ogos (7) Julai (18) June (16) (14) April (25) Mac (17) February (15) January (12) 2010 (22) Disember (8) November m&m store new york (6) October (8)
WEDDING: my cousin (MAI & ZAIRIL) - Saturday off cousin marriage lasted majlis me ... I'm female cousin ... Maisarah & ZAIRIL Tahniah mai ... Entry I like Biase ... full with pictures and videos ...
BUT Surirumah higher income than husband - Surirumah, past and present differed. It used to be the home of suspended duties ranged only about cooking, packing, washing, jg children.

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