Friday, May 2, 2014

Starting off

Because I realized that still adding just old articles, I thought it would not hurt to add a few new trinkets and pictures, which I have a lot ... So can you see how it looked at us until recently (it was still shining sun) and also how it looks now. I hope you will like it :-)
Jarka December 14, 2013 8:47
Jj mimicry he has ... are sweet when I run across fashion valley stores both roaring to the car (we know quite safely) ... Thanks for the compliment, pleased ... Unfortunately there is not habitable, fashion valley stores we live in a brick extension of the twenties repair wooden houses fashion valley stores are still up in the air ... but beautiful is the uncorrected ... Nice day! Clear
So I found no thanks to you it's very nice of you with a timber has a really nice stit.Jak it's up big for the picture it looks huge, as is the whole building even care?. Pullets and they're nicely done so. Reply Delete
Thank you! The huge it really is, it's basically two houses, timber from the late 18th century. + Extension of the twenties of the last century. Now, there everywhere smells chlebĂ­n, cares for the second weekend - now I drew him out and has 1300 grams and is excellent fashion valley stores .. :-) some sugar with it can not be compared .. :-) Delete
Starting off
2 days ago
5 days ago
Visibility photos
We got into a fight with preservationists, moles, wasps, weeds, fashion valley stores unruly chickens and other "wrongs" that brings life to the village, in a half-timbered houses, surrounded by the passing animals, and advancing issues. And so we live and I write a little bit :-)
What harsh land before the death of the most regret Private gale young man and the white whale Dancing Rocks - O evolution fashion valley stores of life on Earth, about man and God Escape from the Small Fortress Terezin between bears Sons Gulag Our normalization Stork lowest fashion valley stores condor
April (1) February (1) January (6) December (16) January (1) December (1) November (1) October (1) September (2) August (2) February (1) January (4) December fashion valley stores ( 3) November (5) October (3) September (1) August (2) July (1) June (3) May (4) April (3) March (8) February (7)

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