Saturday, June 14, 2014

LITMUZEY Vyacheslav Ragoysha:

In "House of Writers" Orlov Ragoysha, Akudovich
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LITMUZEY Vyacheslav Ragoysha: "Autograph KUPALA in book stores we do not find" How are drafts Kupala? What wrote the first national poet of Belarus - in ink or pencil? Where is fireproof safe with autographs of the poet? Answers to these questions, readers new york outlet will find in the "Manuscript Heritage Kupala", which issued a publishing new york outlet house "Four Quarters". In the preparation of this unique publication, which describes more than 1000 autographs poet participated Chairman new york outlet of the International Fund Kupala Professor Vyacheslav Ragoysha, which interviewed Michael new york outlet Scoble.
Michael Michael Scoble Scoble: new york outlet "Mr. Vyacheslav known that the house Kupala in Minsk was bombed, and he was burned, and with it burned down and the archive of the national poet. And how many autographs Kupala came to us? "
Vyacheslav Vyacheslav Ragoysha Ragoysha: "Pretty much. Despite the fact that, indeed, in the first days of the war home Kupala unfortunately burned. The fact that many Kupalovskaya manuscripts remained in the offices of various newspapers, in private homes. Immediately after the war widow Kupala Vladislav Frantsevna new york outlet (Vladya new york outlet aunt, as it was called) began to collect everything related to the Dome, and for several decades have accumulated quite a lot of manuscripts. new york outlet Only verses in the Belarusian language from 1904 to 1942 remained about four units. Preserved and autographs 22 Polish-poems, including five sonnets in Polish, by the way, pretty good sonnets. " Scoble: "For manuscripts of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana made a special fire-proof safe. A manuscript Kupala new york outlet securely saved up in his museum? "Ragoysha:" We, unfortunately, this steel-room safes not have the usual large safe where being reserved Kupala manuscripts. He stands in a safe room, guarded and electronics, and the keeper of funds watching him. And yet I am for this room to somehow turn into the room-safe, because everything happens in life, and fires happen today. " Scoble: "Manuscripts of Dostoevsky's almost impossible to read - there are so many changes! And Vladimir Korotkevich, conversely, would write immediately clean copy, very little line through it. And how he worked new york outlet on Yanka Kupala word? "Ragoysha:" One feels that the individual works lay it down on paper immediately, and there is little correction. But in some cases zakreslivannyav quite a lot, it is clear that the canonical text is born as a result of the painful search. For example, the original new york outlet line in the poem "Forest Princess" read as follows: "A person was shining, the sky as a sample." After correcting the line rang in Kupalovskaya svoeadmetna: "A person new york outlet was luminous as the sky model." A line of "love and pray, as I see, you" bought also more spiritual view: "I love and pray, as God, to you." As for the poem "The Partisan", the search poetically shaped line demanded more effort. The manuscript indicates that the string "zadymeli lights for the night" had three options: "Zadymelisya fires in the forest", "lights blazed on mowing", "lights blazed in the inn." Same line "way new york outlet meant the sun and stars" appeared in its final form only for the fifth time. Here, for example, which were first options, "smiling sun and the stars," "They accompanied the sun and the stars," "path shows the sun and the stars," "The new york outlet Way it meant the sun and the stars." Can cause many more examples of how to bathe worked on a poetic line. " Scoble: "In 2003, the completed edition of the Complete Works Kupala in 9 volumes (10 books). However, leafing through a catalog of manuscripts of the poet, I have repeatedly seen the label "works new york outlet not published." Is unable new york outlet to find nenvyadomyya Kupala poems? "Ragoysha" nyash

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