Sunday, June 29, 2014

[Pun] fear fox

The sound, and apparently was the sound when I turned off the lights, I was not even scared Apart fact, but I do not believe something ghost but scary story footsteps If you turn off the "electricity to something bytes of rookie love me I was playing with threatening to have said that ... "I've got to have. Because it had turned out to be the sound of a fluorescent lamp rookie also, while scared, it was comeback playfully Nantes "~ I should quit." I think that it was that much of the beginning of December, but certainly, there is an accident fashion valley mall stores at the intersection facing fashion valley mall stores the store. fashion valley mall stores Byte is the holiday that day, I've not seen the accident, but it seems to have been fierce. Signal at the intersection there is probably because you have been made to the time difference, the accident was going well outlook is not bad though. Pace of about once every two months. There was also witnessed the accident in a byte, I called an ambulance. In, in an accident of that in December, the dead of the first time I came out from the start of bytes. I do not know because was not in the place I am, but it seems to have hit a woman of middle-aged car, which has been ignored fashion valley mall stores in the signal crossing at the intersection of the front of the store. fashion valley mall stores I'm did not know about the accident until the bytes go the next day, but the woman, was to be with, died in hospital of transport destination in the story of the manager. Because fashion valley mall stores it was not uncommon for accident, you forget not from anyone even talk about it When you have some time. I think that it was that of December 30 of that much a month later. In earnings at the time of fairly, New Year was not a exception fashion valley mall stores byte destination if Mire taking in candy store. We must keep making hundreds in the unit, a place made of folded candy for New Year's greetings. So the 30th, you were working on the left all the way, even after closing the shop. It was not remain, three of the deputy manager and the child of a new byte with me. I think it was some time not Become 11:00 maybe, but it was supposed to be called, trying to break a little to come to work all the time. It was decided that two people go shopping in the neighborhood convenience store is supposed to be was cold, and that will Koyo bought in warm mono something. rookie ended up remaining at the rising fear fine and dandy, it was how afraid you would not know what it is serious or a joke as "fast ~ I please come back." I think it is a little fashion valley mall stores interesting, deputy manager with me and I was supposed to leave her. Over the key for safety, and returned in about 10 minutes to go to the convenience store and deputy manager. If you see the store from the outside, change clearly. Why is that electricity is off all. Did you go to somewhere rookie in silence? I thought it was, but the key remained it took. By the way, do not have the key to the shop (rookie) girlfriend. So, it was to the conclusion that, Na I'm waiting to turn out the lights on purpose in order to surprise ourselves. Get inside fashion valley mall stores the store by two people while grinning. It is a new face that I thought that it either jumps out while saying like "! 'S", but there is no sign of coming out at all. I thought that it either is hiding even in the shadow of the counter with bated breath, fashion valley mall stores it was on the light for the time being. You do not come out to be referred to "Mmm Is ! The ~ I came back" he said. It is getting a little worried. Have hidden fashion valley mall stores somewhere maybe, it will do come flying out the time here began really worried. I thought so, I looked through the little shop. Still does not have anywhere. I looked also second floor, fashion valley mall stores and it was also found in the locker, but it is not already there. fashion valley mall stores To come rush in earnest, I looked fashion valley mall stores for two people while call. But it is not already there. When I become the talk I thought the key because I have taken, and ... to not mean that you are in the outside, that or ... Let's call the manager for the time being, suddenly. Doon! Rap something did. To be honest, became a Chibi ideal kinda surprised .... The sound was like the back of the store, from a large freezer for business fashion valley mall stores use. The person who said or rather freezer, a small room of about two tatami mats might be good. In the Tteyuu freezer, and because it was like being repeatedly also ... running is stopped from time to time for the regulation of temperature, sound of "Don" is he was or occasionally, but it and the sound clearly I is different. It was a sound like something was hit from within a rather. ARE YOU KIDDING? ? If you open the freezer in a hurry I thought and so on. Had. Newcomers fashion valley mall stores had a physical education sat trembling rattled in it. Pull out from within her in a hurry to be "? What are you doing", it was doing to eat the meat bun that came bought a dress jacket. It sounded chattering teeth, and he was also unable to stand good at first, but I was able trembling stopped gradually, to drink tea and buns. When asked "have you been entered in Anna at all right? What?" She began to cry like a child, "I want to go anymore! It! Do not want Kokoi! Want to go" and the tears suddenly. It was supposed to be slow time anymore rookie (11:30 too sure) also because it is such, and that, go home anyway. Rookie went deputy manager is sent by car. The next day, rookie did not come in bytes. Seems to have quit. It was busy enough to die thanks to the 31st. And after closing fashion valley mall stores up shop in the 31st, I heard that yesterday the deputy manager. In the story the deputy manager heard the newcomer in the car, she seems to have been hiding in the shadow of the counter trying to Odorokaso us after all. Soshitara, electricity fashion valley mall stores suddenly disappeared. She seems to have thought I turned off the light we come back, trying to reverse Odorokaso. fashion valley mall stores Soshitara footsteps was heard. It seems she thought "came came ..." and I, something strange. ...... fashion valley mall stores I hear from the second floor. Because she had heard several times sound when I turned off the lights, it seems to have thought it the sound at first. But, always sound like running the mouse that "clickety-click ..." can be heard in the sound of "sister-in-law ... sister-in-law ..." somehow. And where to the sound is moving. If you compare someone like walking around fashion valley mall stores in circles on the second floor .... She ran and try to place electricity scared, you press the switch in a hurry, but electricity can not tell. If you hold down the switch many times while becoming the cry, the sound is moving again. ... Door of the freezer fashion valley mall stores to have jumped fashion valley mall stores into her eyes you think you flee to somewhere anyway (? Has been down the stairs) sister-in-law fashion valley mall stores ... sister-in-law ... sister-in-law ... sister-in-law ..., and, if not hidden. After opening, electricity of the inside with. Do you have peace of mind to it, she closed the door and into it. Because it is a freezer of course, lights go out When you close the door. In a dark cold behind closed doors, it became panic She also. Go crazy and get away, but the door does not open for some reason this time. Freezer to prevent the trapped people fashion valley mall stores of course, I have been to open easily from the inside. It just need a click and press the red button. But, the door seems to have not open when you press how much. The cold to seem to freeze, and a narrow, dark, seems to have hit the door screaming many times "Help! It! Help" the head while becoming going crazy. But it is not open. I thought he would or not it really die anymore, and knocked on the door to put the power of the whole body, the door opened from the outside. So we seem to have opened the door. By the way, we did not hear at all voice and sound of one shot of the whole body except her. I thought when I heard this story, she must've just panicked and scared maybe, but I thought I quit not you were in such eyes ... and Na not impossible. And "sensor of SECOM is apparently in response to midnight fashion valley mall stores yesterday, a security guard I came to see, but - (laughs) I heard there was no" store manager, said at that time. It's a place to laugh and "~? (Laughs) of not it came out something" and you were usually, but (there is that it has reacted several times in the past fact to) only there was a thing of yesterday, I did not laugh .... In, I'm quitting this byte me now, but I have a reason to it a little. lunch two days after the rookie Mr. quit, but I was resting one in the break room on the second floor. (Because there is no one who smoke, and this has been an accessory case at that time) ashtray there there was a ring never seen to. Feeling that seems a little high. It was picked up, "Oh, - You know rings and had fallen in the parking lot of the store before about a month. It's high likely and you've been entrusted Also, we have lost property of the audience and I asked the store manager later The'm "a month ago. It may be a coincidence, but when the fatal accident occurred. Middle-aged women. Ring. The ring a thing of the woman who died possibly footsteps child rookie fashion valley mall stores heard a thing of the woman. What if I think so, and if I scared somehow. Busy time of the New Year is from over, I also left the bytes. nothing can also be ascertained, but the shop is open as usual even now, and the manager also deputy manager also you are still working.
[Pun] fear fox
January 2014
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