Sunday, June 15, 2014

Twin brothers Leon and Andrew Lipnitsky passed westfields shepherds bush the exams for the ninth gr

Twin brothers Leon and Andrew Lipnitsky passed westfields shepherds bush the exams for the ninth grade and went on summer vacation to her grandmother in the village. They gladly changed hustle and bustle of the capital on the peace and quiet remote from civilization village. SOSNOVKA village where she lived their grandmother Anastasia, was quite small, only twelve houses. SOSNOVKA title of his consistent, as it is located in a picturesque place near the pine forest.
Guys checked out in the morning, around noon old bus stopped at the stop "SOSNOVKA" plaintive creaking door and let Lenya and Andrew. Beveled vehicle snorted doors clanged shut and the bus drove on. Guys shouldered his big heavy bags and moved towards Sosnovka.
The road, a little vykatanaya wheels wound through the forest. Guys walked slowly, talking, recalled how his grandmother had a good last summer. After the dusty air from the capital clean pine scent a little dizzy, but so good to breathe!
Finally around the corner seemed SOSNOVKA. Changes that have taken place here, immediately caught my eye. - You look, the road from the highway to the village finally brought westfields shepherds bush to avail! - Noted Lenya inspecting vyravnyanuyu, extended and rubble strewn road.
- And you my dear! - Grandmother sobbed out to meet his grandson. - Arrived! My cute baby, and grew up as! She hugged it Lenya, then Andrew, then both together. Adult grandchildren who were head and shoulders above her grandmother, a little taken aback by such a sentiment, they also embraced the dear man and lightly kissed his wrinkled cheeks.
Nastya westfields shepherds bush grandmother immediately commanded to wash their hands and sit at the table. Grandchildren waited most delicious westfields shepherds bush rustic meals. On the table, covered westfields shepherds bush with crisp white starched tablecloth tightly arranged bowls with cheese, sour cream, jam, cake and was a pitcher of milk. While the boys sat down, my grandmother pulled westfields shepherds bush out of the oven pan with hot homemade sausages, and a minute later on their plates were hot pancakes. Nastya grandmother sat opposite grandchildren:
- For all the villagers it was unexpected. - Go on my grandmother Anastasia. - People, of course, interested in, and Uncle Michael, the father of George, replied that his son was lucky to find a fern flower. Everyone knows that the one who sees how it blooms, there will always be rich and happy. westfields shepherds bush
- No! Speaks the truth! - Do not agree grandmother. - He is the capital Sergei Nyurchynaga taken. And the same as forty with a long tail! He told all Sasnovtsy as they one evening won so much money that could not calculate correctly, confused!
Then the door creaked, and appeared in the doorway neighbor, Aunt Agatha. On this interesting conversation about Yuras scoring stopped. The boys greeted westfields shepherds bush the guests, thanked her grandmother for a delicious lunch and went to his room to disassemble bags.
- One thing for sure: fern blossom can not - stop! With such a science like biology, I'm friendly, so I can say for sure that lie Jura, he could not see the fern flower. - Calmly westfields shepherds bush said Leon.
- But also went somewhere legend about a beautiful fern flower! - Says Andrey. - Like a flower that see who will be happy, rich, will understand the language of animals ... Blossoms on Midsummer fern and flower blooms only for a moment, so it is not easy to see. Pick a flower in general is difficult, because the person who wants to do it, attacking any evil spirits that whines, howls and tries to grab. Yes, there is a ritual to eat! Need to lay around midsummer night fern consecrated tablecloth circle around himself consecrated circle westfields shepherds bush knife, sprinkle holy water fern and pray. The main thing - do not be afraid of demons, which are sure to interfere with and throw at you. But more importantly - do not miss the moment when the flower expands! Then we have a lightning movement rip it, put in his bosom, and rush home, do not look back!
- So I did not believe it, so the legend retold ... I am interested Belarusian folklore and legend is the most common. Perhaps the story with a mysterious flower and Yuras fate would have forgotten guys, but ...
After a few days with Andrew Lenyam went to the lake to bathe. The day was hot, the water gave a pleasant coolness goes ashore did not want to. But the sun was to the horizon, it was not so hot, and the dinner was coming. The guys got dressed and went home. Walked through the woods to get there faster, not moved along the path, and straight. Andrew kept a little ahead, Leon behind.
- Andrew! - Leon, where are you? - Frightened Andrew shouted. - Here, in the pit! - Wafted from somewhere out of the ground. Andrew took a few more steps and saw that for a fallen pine blackens largish pit. Leon sat there and that particularly surprised Andrew and did not try to get out and dug the earth with his hands. - What are you doing? westfields shepherds bush - Surprised Andrew. - Jump here, brother! I found something very interesting! That evening, the boys returned home, when it was already dark. Agitated grandmother swore at them, because it is very worried where they go so far. Grandchildren ask

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