Tuesday, June 17, 2014

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News Culture Agriculture Medicine Entrepreneurship Guarding Earth and People Sports Education ted kenton Orthodox ted kenton Holidays Industry of everyday Promotions and contests in 2014 - the year of hospitality against drunkenness - the whole world in 2013 - a year of frugality Weekdays power to do good information blog
Out of worship ted kenton ... but Anna Lyamachka ted kenton go home in a hurry. ted kenton As usual, ted kenton it remains in the church - St. Nicholas Church g.Malority - and is obedience that her strength. This woman is doing for several years by his heart. Akhmatova devoted himself entirely to the service ted kenton of God. She has one of the oldest sisters of mercy, there is an inner need to constantly help someone: patients destitute, those who were in various difficult circumstances. Anna Lyamachka understands that faith without ted kenton works is dead, and without love everything in this world nothing. Recently Akhmatova gave his beloved temple icon of the Theotokos "All the Afflicted". On many scrimped and then collected ted kenton money and bought it. - I am already 81 years old, - said my companion. - How many more meted out by God to live, I do not know. But the memory of himself at least some would like to leave. This icon - thanks to God for the endless mercy to me. In life there were many instances when it seemed that the peace of God will never see again. But with faith and hope of the exalted Lord sincere prayers, ted kenton and he heard and always came to the rescue. When World War II began, Anna was only 11 years old. That woman has gone through hard times and now is very good. A photographic memory resurrects 1942 and vicinity v.Zburazh. Especially - the beginning of December. Then her native village stopped the Germans. The family ted kenton has become over the years to save their belongings. When the most valuable has been safely hidden, Anna returned ted kenton to her parents' house to pick up a loaf of baked bread. On the way back to the forest, it crossed the Germans. They found in the bosom of the bread and said that the girl carries his partisans. ted kenton For such immediately shot on the spot. Anna, taught by his father Andrew and second mother Martha (Marina's own mother died when she was only 8 months old), has become hard to pray - whisper "Our Father", "Let God." In the end, one of the Germans took bread, swiped butt lower back and let go. The girl grew bold and courageous. All her burning. This frightened parents. Since the advent of the invaders Zburazh Anna an overwhelming desire to go to the guerrillas. Especially that girl with her father constantly helped them. -I was not so many years - recalls Akhmatova. - On the surface - it is very small. However, to fight the Germans wanted, as I understand, that a man can be the master ted kenton of his fate only when he is free and independent. Each of us is entitled to free God's choice. Therefore constantly prayed to Almighty ted kenton liberated their homeland from invaders. To a miracle of God, according to the woman herself, she would not have survived, and in October 1943. Then the Germans surrounded Zburazh from all sides, and warned that if anyone tries to break through the encirclement, it immediately shot. Invaders appeared at their home. The roof of reeds, so flared ted kenton like a match. Anna with her mother, brother and neighbors the Germans were forced to lie on the ground face down in the yard. Rear, a few steps from them, put a machine gun and started shooting. Over the heads of whistling bullets. Girl prayed to God to save her and relatives. But interest in sorting out Anna. She wanted ted kenton to see what was happening behind, where the Germans, where the fire is their home and raging flames. The girl looked around and froze in fear. Suddenly flashed over his head bullet sadravshy knotted scarf ... And again the prayers of the Lord gave her life. In another case, when Anna was the mercy of God for yourself. Their family has always tried to help the partisans, who were in the vicinity Zburazh most necessary. Girl saw with my own eyes and knew a lot about them. Not even once visited the guerrillas. One day, when there was one, the Germans broke into their home. Gunn was not scared and did as his father taught. I pretended to be deaf and dumb, - says Anna Lyamachka. - Fascists something asked about partisans, and in return I give only some sounds and show on your fingers. Excellent remembered words of elders: "Mercy from the Germans will not even tell them the truth: still will not give to live." It was very scary to stand under the gun aimed in my direction rifles. All talked about the prayer itself. So, with faith and hope on God and survived that terrible time. The war ended. But faith in God is not weakened. It has become even stronger. Always prayed, thanking the Creator asked him for assistance in all walks of life and corners. The postwar years were hungry. The family often went to bed Lyamachkav hungry. Anna decides to "get" bread to feed most families. Against the wishes ted kenton of his father at the age of 15 years is in naymichkay Velikorita ted kenton the family Eudokimos Andreyuk and Xenia. The output of another was not. Perform any work had nothing n

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