Tuesday, June 24, 2014

who (2014/06/02 15:24) walk smartphone mom Challis Maho der ***** was also a fine sentence is good.

In the operation of mobile phone while walking or "walk smartphone" walking while looking at the screen of a smartphone, such as fall from the stairs and the home of the station, a variety of accidents have been reported. Mobile phone companies and railway companies call for prevention smartphone to walk, but the demand for regulation, such as ordinance also began to appear. A survey of Internet search giant companies, 75 percent of the approximately 50,000 total respondents "regulation is necessary" he said. Street smoking ban ordinance of local government with a civil fine corresponding to fine became common, day walking smartphone is also restricted or will come. 9 minutes Recent shopping network http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140602-00000088-san-soci (Mon) 15:00 2 days (ChoEiHisashi) Sankei Shimbun June Combat Organization "walk smartphone" aim snatching ... death ... Tokyo breaker topped While looking at the mobile phone spate of damage in Tokyo, and being hit by a train
who (2014/06/02 15:24) walk smartphone mom Challis Maho der ***** was also a fine sentence is good. I do not even run more strictly reverse tobacco, bicycle and walk to discard Tabakopoi in non smoking areas are still. Riding on the People and the bicycle you have smoked shopping network tobacco riding on the People and the bicycle shopping network you're listening music riding on I would like to die. (2014/06/02 16:01) bicycle umbrella is pointing (parasol, umbrella) I want you to be cracking down on people. Dangerous. After, bike to drive on the right-hand side is white on the left side of the road. Do not want to complain even if the head-on collision by mistake by only from sitting behind the wheel! The person who cracked down in the ordinance, there is something you feel fear even those who are working with a smartphone while riding in (2014/06/02 15:31) Bicycle yyo ***** is looming from previous Maybe good- .... Road Traffic Law've got such should be applied for (2014/06/02 16:53) Bicycle gdw *****, but it is hard to say that cracking down so far. tremendous belly to stand slowness of walking smartphone of the stairs of hir ***** (2014/06/02 15:29) during rush hour. I was surprised the mom who was operating the smartphone while holding down this (2014/06/02 shopping network 15:29) before pram sk0 *****. ????? Had aunt you're toying while riding a bicycle to be placed on the back (2014/06/02 15:34) children. Are you not doing that the moral collapse of the Japanese I? Because much of the mother are holding down the bgf ***** (2014/06/02 16:11) stroller, mobile phone will do more important than my child. What do people shopping network there were (2014/06/02 15:34) fine ordinance gue ***** to do. As much as I do in inoperable during movement mechanically than that. Not disappear Without condition physically impossible. If it is useless to manipulate shopping network a short walk (2014/06/02 15:36)> smartphone shopping network mit *****, so as not to interfere with the way to where you need to present a way what to do and I'm overprotective kou ***** that you think do not mind in the way fine really are before the guy that played around smartphone usually flow of people is worse suddenly it will only be manipulated to stop and by the end of the passage to (2014/06/02 smartphone that fiddling who do not require information urgently shopping network so 15:43) is as if necessary shopping network increase the height. And I just have seen such as line fuff contents. bgf ***** (2014/06/02 16:12) Most'd say games and SNS. There is nothing more important than (2014/06/02 15:43) life roc *****. If you let me say from the standpoint that you are driving a car, while walking people or smartphone while riding a bicycle really scary. Car side comes digs to none Mai also placed on a green light. Driver is poor is allowed to even hurt people like this! What to be said it is not it backs up the old accumulated. Need regulation! It is a story frawbow a (2014/06/02 15:46) violent, but no To proceed with a mechanism to take the fine from the other party before someone can even say something Once accused by shooting the scene of walking smartphone. The first place that the Japanese would have deteriorated to the point you do not have to say such a thing, and what he's regulations. It seems to be embarrassed.
I think if you from body to ride a AK304ezy0 bike, and run the shoulder on the left side properly After eradication cars of the road parked: 23:15 ID 02 日 06 月 2014 年 Nameless of speed Kemah 1 Comment List.. I think we can not be helped to walk Keitai smartphone even if Hikikorosa? I think that there is no way even to theft and pickpocket. I want you to innocence, even playing in the same dive suicide train was almost catch a Charisumaho it jumped out to a red signal dFHa7C940 1 today: 00:04 ID 03 日 06 月 2014 年 Nameless of speed Kemah 2. you do not absolutely something shopping network k3DaEI450 walk smartphone:. 00:50 ID 03 月 06 日 2014 年 Nameless speed of Kemah 3 's. The dangerous in various ways it's course, but I hate anyway that figure to walk while peeping the screen. I do not want to expose the figure uncool Anna as an adult. 10:40 ID 03 月 06 日 2014 年 Nameless speed of Kemah 4:. To run w reverse unwillingly rJN.20xO0> 1, the guys mad ww bike'll often mad bicycle Mecha of sidewalk sprint also Akanwa not such arrest rapidly. 00:22 05 Jun 2014 Nameless speed of Kemah 6 w Is good if you notice from the dead'll walk HFoVuykh0 smartphone = would-be suicide:. 13:22 ID 03 月 06 日 2014 年 Nameless speed of Kemah 5. The embarrassed's become a useless level If you do not restricted by this E2wFTklI0: ID
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