Monday, January 5, 2015

arsenal had already won 4 trophies in the 90

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Because im sick and tired of listening to arsenal fans banging on about their club never spending any money, and because im also sick and tired of having to hear how fantastic old arsen whinger is ((albeit over the last season or 2 it looks as though opry mills mall stores some people are starting to wake up to the fact the man isn’t all he’s cracked up to be)) I for 1 am happy to go as far to say the mans a FRAUD!
What people forget, is when took over in 96 and although it hurts me to say arsenal already had a very successful side, George Graham started it in the mid to late 80’s, he’d already won a Littlwoods Cup and a League title and was only sacked for collecting opry mills mall stores “brown paper bags at service stations” opry mills mall stores had that not have happened old arshole Opppsss opry mills mall stores sorry I mean arsen may never have been appointed.
He was then sacked for the Brown bag scandal so they brought in Bruce Rioch, and to be honest opry mills mall stores to our delight he was garbage, he was their version of say Christian Gross, BUT whilst he was there some thing huge happened? arsenal signed Dennis Bergkamp ???? yeah i know..WHAT?? Don’t ask me how?? a bloke who adored “Hoddel’s the king of White Hart Lane” so much that he even chose to wear the number 10 shirt because of it, signed for arsenal..
Rioch only lasted 5 minutes as he was dog poo, so they got rid and brought in some unknown opry mills mall stores fella from France, he went there via that WORLD power Grampus 8 of Japan? Anyway he took over.. but what or WHO he took over was lets not forget a side that had ALREADY been winning cups and titles prior..
He took over in 1996, and then won his first trophy in 1997 – 98 the league, he also won the F.A cup the same year, then he won 2 Charity Shields 1 in 98 and 1 in 99 (but they don’t really count do they coz there just 1 off games)
Now THIS is where you have to look at the facts, when he won those 2 first trophies in 97-98 in the squad was “TEN” players that was at the club “BEFORE” he arrived, 9 of the 10 had already WON medals opry mills mall stores and the TENTH was that fella Bergkamp, he arrived the season opry mills mall stores before, also funny enough those 10 players were English. opry mills mall stores
arsenal had already won 4 trophies in the 90’s then 4 more after he arrived, BUT you can’t ignore that squad.
Although I’ve got to admit I’d love to have won half that, what’s interesting is it all DRIED up in the early part of that decade, opry mills mall stores and what’s even more interesting is just look at the players he’d moved on during that period. Out of the very same TEN players he inherited only Keown, Parlour and Bergkamp was still there in 04, in fact only Bergkamp opry mills mall stores was there for the “LAST” trophy he won in 04 -05, Bergkamp went on to leave in 06. During that time old Whinger did sign the likes of Petit, Anelka and Henry who did go to on be stars, but he also signed shit like Jeffers, Boa Morte, opry mills mall stores Manniger and a lot of others too. Again though I’ve got to STRESS opry mills mall stores you CANT dismiss that squad he had when he took over.
I’m now gonna dispel this so-called myth that he doesn’t spend any money either, i wont go back to 1996 when he took over just because it’s too long-winded so I’m only gonna go back to the season “after” that last trophy because at that point you could also argue this was now HIS squad, and get this…..
Ok it might not be as much as what City, The Chelsea pikeys, United or even us may have spent, but we aren’t talking about us, so for that matter I’m sure you will agree it’s still a massive “brown paper bag” of cash…
The obvious thing for people to say now is, wow look Wenger’s made a net profit on his transfer dealing of 40,220,000 BUT hold on a minute, has he? well actually NO course he bloody hasn’t.. he spent 223,700,000 on 48 players and got back 40 odd mill more for 91, so he’s sold 43 MORE players than he’s bought and for a figure of 40 million ???.. what’s important to remember now is ALL of those 43 players expect just the 10 players mentioned opry mills mall stores above were brought in by HIM, between 1996 and 2006, SO it’s a very easy calculation for all to see, he’s sold 33 Players for just over an average of a million each, and if we did this calculation based on his entire time from 1996 its even easier to see he would NOT have made any profit at all.. Agreed he isn’t there to make profit as that’s what the club should taking care of, but when the media constantly go on about

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