Friday, January 2, 2015

UP TO 300 people are set to lose their jobs under plans to close a Worcester call centre.

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UP TO 300 people are set to lose their jobs under plans to close a Worcester call centre.
As we reported in your Worcester News in May last year, Serco announced cinemark bh plans to reduce the number of Shop Direct s UK call centres from four to two and invest in new technology which will require fewer people cinemark bh to handle calls as well as transfer some operations abroad.
Serco contract director Mark Pacey said: We are committed to doing everything we can to support cinemark bh colleagues cinemark bh during this difficult time, wherever possible by helping to find alternative employment cinemark bh elsewhere within Serco.
It s always terrible when something like this happens and it just shows how difficult things are. There is a 90-day consultation period taking place now, which is very important to mention and I will help where I can.
grumpy woman wrote: How very sad. That's 300 families affected and a body blow for Worcester. Thank you. Some of us will still be there until next January. Im waiting for the usual rubbish to start about ' Do you think we can use the car park' like when it was first announced last May. But there are always some insensitives. [quote][p][bold]grumpy woman[/bold] wrote: How very sad. That's 300 families affected and a body blow for Worcester.[/p][/quote]Thank you. Some of us will still be there until next January. Im waiting for the usual rubbish to start about ' Do you think we can use the car park' like when it was first announced last May. But there are always some insensitives. lovelyjubbly Score: 0 Report this post
Some companies learned the hard way when they moved call centers abroad, they quickly lost the support of many customers and quite a few have moved the call centers cinemark bh business back to the UK. I only wish that British Gas (now FRENCH OWNED) would give we customers the choice as to whether we talk to someone who we can understand (Language-wise) or who has the local knowledge. I have rung off many times in sheer frustration cinemark bh when not getting any answers to my basic questions. Then by luck managed to speak to a friend lass or lad from somewhere in the UK who understood what I was saying. Same goes for BT, hit and miss who you get to talk to. Last operator I spoke to had all my details on the screen in front of him, did not answer my questions but went into overdrive to sell me Broadband.. Yes I rang off. Some companies learned the hard way when they moved call centers abroad, they quickly cinemark bh lost the support of many customers and quite a few have moved the call centers business back to the UK. I only wish that British Gas (now FRENCH OWNED) would give we customers the choice as to whether we talk to someone who we can understand (Language-wise) or who has the local knowledge. cinemark bh I have rung off many times in sheer frustration cinemark bh when not getting any answers to my basic questions. Then by luck managed to speak to a friend lass or lad from somewhere in the UK who understood what I was saying. Same goes for BT, hit and miss who you get to talk to. Last operator I spoke to had all my details on the screen in front of him, did not answer my questions but went into overdrive to sell me Broadband.. Yes I rang off. Jabbadad Score: 0 Report this post
Just to make some people aware that there was alot more job affected than just the 300, they got rid of the 1st lot just before Christmas and some more after Christmas. shop direct gave it to a 3rd party company so they "could invest in tech" to do the job. it was working fine before. now all emails will be answered in India and calls in cape town, south Africa. I wonder how many job serco can distributed elsewhere?? shop direct owned by the Barclay brothers owns alot kays littlwoods very isme woolworths plus more and makes profit year on year but cant put that into the UK. Just to make some people aware that there was alot more job affected than just the 300, they got rid of the 1st lot just before Christmas and some more after Christmas. shop direct gave it to a 3rd party company so they "could invest in tech" to do the job. it was working fine before. now all emails will be answered in India and calls in cape town, south Africa. I wonder how many job serco can distributed elsewhere?? shop direct owned by the Barclay brothers owns alot kays littlwoods cinemark bh very isme woolworths plus more and makes profit year on year but cant put that into the UK. l_pool Score: 0 Report this post
Shop Direct tried having their contact centre's in India before & the customers left in droves, now they are going to South Africa & India, bye bye customers, will they ever learn, Shop Direct tried having their contact centre's in India before & the customers left in droves, now they are going to South Africa & India, bye bye customers, will they ever learn, rampage26 Score: 0 Report this post
All the workers need to do is use the phrase cinemark bh beloved cinemark bh of call centre workers everywhere: "Bear with me"

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