Sunday, January 4, 2015

Save Ad In 1950 civil stable, warehouse C / 2 112 square meters in the basement of the inner body vi

Save Ad In 1950 civil stable, warehouse C / 2 112 square meters in the basement of the inner body via Inama, 15 consists of the main entrance littlwoods with access from the ramp of stairs condo, room previously used as a dining littlwoods area with kitchen: the wall where was located the kitchen is still equipped with drains, large open plan height of mt. 3,42 with two tall windows of which a fully openable usable for loading / unloading of mt. 1.45 x 0.70 with direct access from the courtyard. Also within the warehouse with the third window is the bathroom with bath, bidet and toilet that has been condoned. Electric water heater for hot water. Annual service charges: 950.00 approx. No heating even though the tubes pass inside the warehouse, and indirect heating. Available immediately. Means of transport: bus 61 and tram 5. Through FS Dateo a short distance, good proximity to the entrance of the east ring road, No concierge. saks new york Reserved. Free. Features Reference: Deal Warehouse. (52865604) Floor Area: 112 Last updated: November 12, 2013 Rooms: Open plan Floor: saks new york Basement Number of bathrooms: 1 Elevator: YES floors in building: saks new york 5 Heating Type: Not Present Condition saks new york of the property: Livable Energy Class: littlwoods IPE na na Monthly charges: 80 Your message I found your ad on Please send me more information on Warehouse for sale near Argonne - Reference: Deal Warehouse. (52865604) Shed - Gallarate area - Via Gallarate 207 I found your ad on Please send me more information on Warehouse for sale near Argonne - Reference: saks new york Deal Warehouse. (52865604) is a website of Srl Company with sole shareholder subject to management and coordination exercised by REA Milan ITALY Srl Sede Legale, Via Valenza, 5 -20 144 Milan - CF e PI 02296530260. saks new york Ltd. is a registered trademark refers to REA Group Ltd (ASX: REA) and its subsidiaries
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