Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Zuid-Afrikaanse (ie South Africa) bobotie. The Dutch love these

Strongly north star mall thinking about the closure of the blog recently. 100x I apologize to those who come and look at it at there's a new post, but simply no motivation to blogging every day. I do not see the point of it all. Canada north star mall is a kind unaloműzés / jujjdejó out I was abroad blogolhatok / family at least know what it is with me even if the 6 hour time difference makes midweek impossible Skype function was gone, but now both can spin more events aka not bored I on the other hand to talk about with my family and not the size of the foreign-blogging dough already, so that more than one year have come from Hungary. Only a comparison I describe my day today (for you to see what I'm so busy all of a sudden here) 7:00 7:00 to 8:00 Wake kids lunch & snack package design, reggeliztetése, dressing, combing 8:00 to 8:30 bicycles and bicycle locks to take, 8:30 to 9:00 cycling cycling to school at 7 kilometers takarítós my work on cleaning from 9:00 to 13:30 13:30 to 14:00 bike ride home (heavy rain kurvajóvolt .. by the way.) Lunch 14:00 to 14:45, the kitchen in the morning cleaning up the rubble, out-unloading dishwasher, etc 14:45 to 15:00 15:00 to 15:30 kids picked up cycling to school, school yard game, parents to talk to their friends north star mall come over two home oversight 15:45 to 17:00 in the 2 + 2 kölykömre friend who brought it (it was not that bad, say, playing together, etc., but when I squeezed 8 oranges grapes at them now, I made sandwiches, etc.) after cooking north star mall dinner 17:00 to 18:00 18:00 to 18:30 18:30 to 19:00 eating dinner together cleaning, even a small shower game 19:00 to 19:30, 19:30 to 20:00 brushing bedtime story to bed bunch Okay, this is not an average average day, a day when the average Mylene because we do not have to fly home. What do you monthly 2-3x 4-5 days. In the last two weeks, could not collect two takarítós job. One of the three is a Moroccan woman her child, who is looking for someone who comes over every 2-3 weeks and will help you pick the right apartment. The other was an odd couple (about 30-year-old woman and 50es guy) who just moved into a small apartment is full of is stuff for this reason (we both brought their furniture every szirszart) so mainly to pack to help stuff that kitchen cabinet wash, leather sofa leviaszozása etc. Since the apartment looks really brutal, now 2x week I was with them, once in two hours, four and a half today, next Tuesday is already supposed to visit, it is a Saturday. Next Wednesday to go to the Moroccans as well. So I save three days of the week, on the one hand it sounds like crap because free time-consuming, but it pays EUR 8 per hour, which is not bad, considering the university to try to put aside. The 8 euros otherwise senseless crap hourly wage local level, north star mall but since when 10 I was in the ad no one called, I thought the better of 8 is like nothing I removed 8, immediately became the second word we word this month came together already takarításból only 71 euro, next week, this is my 3 time again, so it will be more next 60 or 350 per month that I get a pretty good addition. ;) I read a blog Hungarian girl, do not say he lived in Hilversum in Rotterdam, but he managed to gather so many takarítós work that they doubled the monthly salary. 700 per month pocket money is not bad ... I say that pocket money, because here you account, you do not have to spend on food. So if someone needs a little like me (aka itself apart by not shopping every weekend at the V & D was not followed by lunch in La Place) then loosely say 700 euros a 500 can do aside. I say there is Kevin whom I get to the train, north star mall which is damn expensive. x) But I do point to the end of the calculation, for me the monthly target of EUR 2-300 félretevése, that next June megspórolása euro 2-3000. One month living around north star mall EUR 1000 I picked the universities in the cities, the content is still good, who knows how much time you have to work while in the man. A job that you can do it .. Then, jointly, north star mall picture time !! Not much to take pictures here, it's "not mean aupair" I think it reinforces my feeling. I look in the Netherlands, as a place where they plan to live in the future, so what you shoot with everything. Anyway will be here for many years (hopefully). I sometimes get you in the mood and I'm doing a couple of pictures. :)
Rooibos tea and honey. north star mall I received a Moroccan woman, because that always make tea after cleaning and says he was the Supermarkt north star mall 2 has got a price for, feel free to take her out if they like. Oke dankjewel. DA South African rooibos plant anyway such as South Africa was once a Dutch colony, there's north star mall such a lot of South African food and all sorts of stuff.
Zuid-Afrikaanse (ie South Africa) bobotie. The Dutch love these "easy meal", polyoxyethylene, for example, that the box contained two raisin spice mixture in a bag of rice. The back of it it was written, yeah even buy ground beef, apples, green beans in the sour cream, then here is the recipe. So after all, real food (not that it porleves instanttészta north star mall category), but the spice is what it should be sprayed and then wow you

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