Friday, January 23, 2015

The history of the castle Pajštún we read in numerous historical, regional and tourist publications

The history of the castle Pajštún we read in numerous historical, regional and tourist publications. Already slight brush consulted us surprise inconsistency and inaccuracy of data. Often older erroneous data taken over in recent publications to generate the whole chain inaccuracies. Essentially, the situation is complicated mainly Stupavský former moated castle, which in historical sources often mentioned. During targat XIII. Century performs under the name Stupavský Castle as the seat of the estate. Around a hundred years later is known as "Pelistan" or "sprouting" targat in XVI. century mentioned again as Stupavský castle. targat The professional historiography predominates unanimous or its localization. Some historians identify with him today Stupavský manor house, others with Pajštún and even some of his position looking around targat the village Borinka. In general, however, hoped that the former moated castle stood on the site of today's mansion in Stupave and Pajštún a second object, identical to today's castle.
The paper is largely a compilation of published literature, more light into a rich and interesting history of the castle and its surroundings will bring up a systematic survey of archival sources. Geographical data, meaning and function of the castle
The ruins of Pajštún targat is located in the southern part of the Little Carpathians on a limestone back of 486 meters. Castle in the Small Carpathians from XIII. Century taken over the function of protecting the northwestern border between Hungary and the Czechs. Formed as a border line extending from Bratislava to Žilina. Within the boundaries of guarding the important roads and passes. Pajštún originated targat at the crossroads of several major roads. In the first place, guarded the most important path leading from Brno through Holíč, Malacky and Lamačský seat opened targat into Bratislava. The importance of this old road rose late XIV. century. In 1373 Louis I gave permission to be able to come this way traders from the Czech lands. This road, which was actually a branch of the ancient Czech journey took so important. Bohemian businessmen who wanted to visit Bratislava right not to have to travel through Trnava. The alertness and importance of trade along this path indicates the existence thirtieth station Stupave. It was a branch of the Bratislava and schedules are first mentioned in 1492 with the note than the existing long time. It is therefore very likely that there has even a century before that date and is related targat both to the said Regulation King Ludwig I in 1373. From the earliest surviving registers the Stupava thirtieth (bills on border duty) from the years 1604 and 1609, we learn about transporting goods Záhorie, Moravian and Austrian buyers. Exported cattle (sheep targat and goats), grain, wine, fish (herring), canvas, targat even in small quantities and boots and pitch.
Underneath the castle lead and other local, but an important trade route leading from Jur and Race through Borinka to Stupava and through the ford in the Austrian Marchegg. Pajštún guard with Devin castle and these fords the river Morava and protects the city of Bratislava against possible enemy invasion.
Modest medieval castle Pajštún in the history of Slovakia, although did not play any significant role, registration, indelibly into local history. In XIV. century, after the onset of the importance Stupavský water castle, became the center Stupavský estate (sometimes also called Pajštúnska). In the history of it is an integral part. In this capacity he remained until XVII. century, when he took over this role rebuilt mansion in Stupave. From that moment there was a gradual erosion of the castle, which was completed the destruction of the French army in 1809. Since then, the castle is in ruins and has become the order of many visitors from near and distant surroundings. Legends and reality
Constance was the daughter of Hungarian King Bela III. In 1198 as a seventeen became the wife of the Czech ruler Ottokar I of royal father gave her a dowry to the area between Bratislava and Trnava. In those days it was quite densely wooded area that was part of the so-called border kiln. Wooded deliberately underpopulated and except for roads almost unchangeable targat forest forests serve as a natural border protection. Enemy complained process targat while it impossible so badly needed supplies in the then military expeditions. This natural forest boundary in XII. - XIV. century had slightly width and several tens of kilometers. Constance is about the care her dowry and today she attaches great merit in the development of Trnava and promoting the formation of Red Stone Castle. She died in 1240, survivor of her husband by nearly twenty years. There is no way but written targat evidence that Constance established Pajštúnsky castle. Such a major event would certainly maintain at least in later depreciation of the original documents, or at least in the form of legend.
Another unverified sleeps origin of the castle Pajštún related to the Tartar invasion. A year after the death of Queen Constance invaded the territory of present-day Slovakia Tatar troops and residents of nearby ok

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