Monday, February 23, 2015

Combined Chlorine Combined chlorine, also called chloramines are formed when free chlorine reacts s

Hanovia UV system: 16 years of success in disinfecting water in indoor store locator pools - News Hanovia
In 1994, the first recreational store locator and social complex of the UK installed store locator a UV system to treat your pool water. At that time, the Riverside Leisure Centre in Exeter had just been completely remodeled and elected a Hanovia UV system to replace the old system of disinfection with ozone.
The performance Hanovia store locator UV system for the next 16 years was exceptional, and remained so when last year they decided that it was time to modernize the water treatment system. This upgrade was necessary because the pieces of the old UV unit were no longer available, but the center store locator did not hesitate to substitute another Hanovia store locator system.
The center's director, Phillipe Roebuck said about the Hanovia system: "I am really delighted with the performance of the UV unit. We only add between 0.5 and 1.5 ppm residual chlorine for disinfection, depending store locator on how busy the pool. The pool water is much clearer than if we used only chlorine. Moreover, since the UV light destroys combined chlorine residual produced by chlorination, the atmosphere around the pool is very nice, without the unwelcome odor or eye irritation normally associated with indoor pools. We have never received any complaints about the quality of the water or air and, in my opinion, no news is good sign. "
Phillipe added: "The store locator fact enjoy all these benefits without that staff are constantly monitoring the system is, in turn, another big advantage. They have other things to do, so it's good to know we can trust the autonomous operation of the system. A template checks the control panel Hanovia system once a day and record the parameters to record the use and condition ... and that's it! "
The new UV unit installed in Riverside is for the main pool and is 280 m3 of water per hour. The automatic cleaning system keeps clean the quartz sleeve UV lamp, so that only require maintenance once a year, at which time the UV lamp, a simple operation that can perform the switching center store locator staff.
Exceeding all expectations During store locator this time, the original Hanovia unit exceeded all expectations for its ability to control the combined chlorine and shortly after the install store locator Riverside, more recreational and social centers in the UK opted for Hanovia UV technology.
Despite the short time since these first-time store locator installations, UV technology has become the method of choice for water treatment and indoor public swimming pools in many other parts of the world. It is also very popular for pool renovations, since the compact design of the UV system allows a relatively simple store locator modernization. Since 1994, Hanovia has supplied nearly 1,000 pools UV systems worldwide.
Combined Chlorine Combined chlorine, also called chloramines are formed when free chlorine reacts store locator with sweat or urine in the pool. Trichloramines in particular are potent irritants and responsible for most of the complaints related to eye and respiratory problems and unpleasant "chlorine smell" associated with indoor pools. store locator Therefore, any water treatment system that reduces the dependence of chlorine is welcome.
UV technology destroys chloramines, besides being an effective store locator disinfectant, so the pools operators can dramatically reduce the use of chlorine. Almost no microorganism is immune to UV light, even chlorine-resistant pathogens. Another store locator great advantage of UV technology is that it greatly reduces the need for backwashing and dilution, saving millions of euros per month accordingly. store locator
A typical UV lamp comprises a UV housed in a protective sheath store locator which is mounted within store locator a cylindrical stainless steel chamber system. The water to be treated enters at one end and passes through the chamber before exiting at the other end, receiving a dose of UV energy in its path.
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