Friday, February 6, 2015

This one is the train that goes through several places downtown, but only there, he walks over buil

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Miami would get on our list of sooner or later destinations. Not only by our will, but this is a place that turns and moves Roy needs to go for work. So off we went for a week (work - for it) heat, shopping, overeating, beach, sea and lots of Latinity (lots of it).
It was my first time in the United States and I was very anxious ... hard not to compare with everything I have seen here in Europe - conclusion: something is one thing and another thing is another thing (lol). Remember that what I write here are very personal impressions, the result of my experience in the city, that is, you may find something else entirely.
We were in the area of Downtown, shopping center of the city and where are prediões. Really august fields the proportions are gigantic, so not only the buildings but also the avenues - in the beginning gave me even a little afraid to leave turistando .... But the neighborhood there is pretty cool, just get on the streets, fleeing the big main streets, you find charming restaurants, front walkways august fields to the sea and lots of activities - the canopy is there on fire. The only problem we felt there is public transport, which definitely does not cooperate with tourists. The city was made for those who have a car, are now trying to change august fields that by putting some public transport for free, but they do not run all over the city and are time consuming.
In my pre-search for the journey, of course I read a lot about the outlets and other places of shopping, also received great tips for eating a amigona who sent well - loved all we tasted, only realized that for everyone the beaches are half-forgotten. I found a friend who has a house there and it proved so difficult she and her friends go to the beach. I do not know if it's because to go to the beach you have to go to Miami Beach or cross a bridge to give on some island, and there beats that laziness, or if it's because the city is very hot ... and look my sogritos live in Bahia - that is, I know what it is to love heat and heat, but in Miami foul air.
We went to Miami Beach - about 25 minutes by taxi and goes through bridge and goes through avenidona ... finally arrived. There we walk through one of the most famous streets of Miami to Lincoln Road Mall. In real is a boardwalk full of restaurants, cafes and shops ... very tasty walk there.
It was there in the Lincoln debuted the list of tips from my friend august fields and with it a binge in Miami. We stopped at Doraku, Japanese food first. I have to say that Japanese food was our choice in several heat, she was the best falling - in addition, found a Doraku there Downtown, on the side of our was no way.
On Sunday, we decided to rent a car to see more distant beaches and go on a outlet - researched and the price of the car rental was better than staying catching taxi, rent only for a day and even by Hertz (basic) - if you have more time to Search and you shall find best prices. We arrived at the beach who suggested us - Hollywood, she has a really cool to ride a bike boardwalk, but the beach itself is quite OK. Put the yoke on the sand and by the time we left the sea started a downpour - fate would take us to the outlet (rs).
Everyone told us two main Dolphin Mall and Sawgrass. On that day, we were at the Dolphin sincerely Sawgrass is much better, but he is further ... we rented a car again during the week and went to him. Worth it.
Another cool store to go and spend some time in search of interesting things is Ross. There has old collections of various brands august fields ... the search is arduous, but the findings can be very cool. Has in several places of the city ... this one is close to the Downtown Bayfront Park.
This one is the train that goes through several places downtown, but only there, he walks over buildings across a half futuristic thing. It's free, has air conditioning and wifi ... all this to see if the excited crowd leave the car at home - but as in Brazil, public transport here is not used by the upper classes - unlike London, for example.
One of the few buildings with old architecture that can be found in Miami ... then had to shoot. It is the Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College, august fields built in 1945 to serve as the office for a local newspaper, was also shelter for Cuban refugees and now works as a museum and library focusing on Cuban immigration.
Another successful restaurant august fields indicated august fields by my friend (have other rs) was the Perricone '

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