Thursday, February 26, 2015

If you mean the representatives of the Vatican, do not argue, as does now Cardinal Ortega, who beca

It is shameful to see how Castro y Cia use churches as centers of proselytism. fashion show mall stores Now, as has been within the theme of the five spies, the flag for public events is the "cancer of Cuban design" of Hugo Chavez. Intervention by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla at the Riverside Church in Manhattan with an air of "entrusted spirituality" are angry. Should have some modesty this representative of Castro and stay away from such gatherings; but they have no limits. You ask the impossible. Meanwhile in Cuba repress the Damas de Blanco, calling for freedom and human rights in Cuban churches, fashion show mall stores and for 52 years, have repressed, fashion show mall stores excluded, even believers assaulted inside the temples. Cuban Foreign Minister took the opportunity to "use" the poor and excluded in the world (except Cuba) and disseminate subversive fashion show mall stores seed, making fashion show mall stores political use of this place of faith. Maduro and Evo Morales is not left behind. The Mass, they say, was to pray for Chavez fashion show mall stores meanwhile proclaimed to be restored. These were some of the words of Bruno Rodriguez (spokesman turn the dictator Castro), listen and draw their own conclusions, me I have produced a monumental disgust: "It is an emblematic church social gospel of Christian thought more attached to the poor, low-income families, the unemployed, immigrants, people of African descent, workers on falling today the terrible burden of the economic crisis "
This is what gives ashamed, all who were there they did was disrespectful to this country with that assembly; That would not believe even they mismos.Venir to what they call the rule to pray for the health of chavez without caring that this same subject in undefined occasions has disrespected former President Bush and President Obama and of course to all who live in this nacion.Todos who prayed fashion show mall stores for should you go along with all those politicians to Venezuela and Cuba needs to happen, to see if so appreciate this pais.TRAIDORES! Why not prayed for all the people who are starving and need in Venezuela? Why not prayed for all the many people who lose their lives, including tourists visiting Venezuela and die in the hands of criminals fashion show mall stores
If you mean the representatives of the Vatican, do not argue, as does now Cardinal Ortega, who became the spokesman of the largest dictatorship in Latin America, which violates the human rights of Cubans 52 years ago. But they are not the Christian people, nor represent the feelings of all Christians. For Christians, not for the high ecclesiastical hierarchy, this Mass in Riverside, with the participation of the representatives of Castro, was an infamous mockery. It is not known what happened to the hundreds of thousands of Christians with those who attended the Catholic Congress and fought against communism in the early years of this barbarism, too much blood of Catholic martyrs in Cuban prisons, many unknown, or is that it has forgotten what happened with the priests and nuns expelled from Cuba, with schools and health centers closed, with the cries of Paredón for priests !, the questions they asked anyone to find work or study: Has been a believer, fashion show mall stores Was baptized? Are you married by the church ?. Many teachers and professionals were not removed from their jobs by stating that they believed fashion show mall stores in God. Young Cubans have grown up without God, have been taught fashion show mall stores to mock believers fashion show mall stores to insult the one who has faith, and now we must hold that the henchmen of the dictatorship as Bruno Rodríguez fashion show mall stores have the nerve to go to pray in a Catholic church. Must have a bit of memory !!!! At no time I said a mockery of the Vatican or the hierarchy of the Cuban Catholic Church, I referred to Christians, many of whom ask God every day that bar Cuba to that infernal plague that has devastated the Cuban nation. I have some links here to refresh the memory "In the First National Catholic Congress Cubano (1959) conducted in the ballpark, with about forty thousand members of the Action Catholic, the assistant constantly chanted "Cuba if communism" among other slogans, and was noted for his brave words in favor of democratic justice, and against the communist totalitarianism, man's enemy, the enemy of God, the Bishop of Matanzas, Monsignor Alberto Martin Villaverde ". "After leaving the boat the press waited Mons. Boza. A journalist, amazed to see among many passengers to 131 sa

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