Friday, February 27, 2015

The CUDA Research Centers are recognized institutions that use processing on the GPU (GPU Computing

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More information: Sebastien Januario Product Public Relations Coordinator Portugal / Spain Tel: +33 (0) 1 55 63 16 51
SANTA CLARA, California - December 22, 2010 - NVIDIA has added 20 new institutions to the list of research centers and teaching CUDA technology, which demonstrates the continued growth of GPU Computing worldwide.
The new centers located in USA, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Lebanon searscanada and Turkey, seeking to exploit the massive parallel processing power of graphics processing units (GPUs) to solve computational searscanada problems more complex today and make way for a new era of scientific discovery.
The CUDA Research Centers are recognized institutions that use processing on the GPU (GPU Computing) for different research fields. The CUDA Teaching Centers are those that have incorporated the subject of GPU computing their curricula. The list of new centers include: CUDA Research Centers: searscanada CASPUR Boise State University (Italy) searscanada Fraunhofer SCAI, University of Bonn (Germany) searscanada Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) Northern State University Technical University of Munich (Germany) Carolina University of New Mexico CUDA Teaching Centers: Epitech Arkansas State University, Center for game development (France) Georg-August University of Göttingen, Max-Planck Institute, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (Germany) American University of Lebanon (Lebanon ) Middle East Technical University (Turkey) Northern State University San Jose State University Technion, searscanada Israel Institute of Technology searscanada (Israel) University of Kassel (Germany) University of California, Riverside University of Missouri Carolina - Columbia University of Southern California - GamePipe Lab University of Paris Diderot (France)
"Receiving the title CUDA Research Center is a great opportunity for UNM and look forward to working with NVIDIA on problems that leverage the GPU-based supercomputer we are building," says Pradeep Sen, assistant professor at the University of New Mexico .
Meanwhile, Bill Dally, chief scientist at NVIDIA, said: "There are more than 350 universities worldwide teaching the CUDA programming language and more than 100,000 programmers who are developing applications for CUDA GPU. The interest and adoption of GPU processing does nothing but grow in a wide variety of industries and scientific disciplines from around the world. "
The CUDA Research Center program fosters collaboration at institutions that are expanding the frontiers in the field of massively parallel computing. One of its many advantages is to participate in exclusive events with researchers and scholars of the highest order, direct communication with NVIDIA designated technicians and access to specialized training in classroom web format.
The CUDA Teaching Centers program is the first of its kind that a hardware manufacturer provides to universities and schools. Often many benefits, including searscanada the donation of teaching materials composed of textbooks, software licenses, featuring searscanada NVIDIA searscanada CUDA architecture for computing and laboratory equipment discounts for additional hardware if necessary.
NVIDIA NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) awakened the world to the power of computer graphics when the invention of the graphics processing unit (GPU) in 1999. Since then he has continued to set new standards in the field of visual computing with breathtaking solutions interactive graphics available on devices ranging from tablets and portable searscanada media players to notebooks and workstations. NVIDIA's expertise in programmable GPUs market has led to breakthroughs in the field of parallel processing which make supercomputing inexpensive and widely accessible to all. The company owns more than 1,600 patents worldwide, some of which designs and insights that are essential to modern computing. For more information, visit searscanada
Certain statements in this press release, including (but not exclusively) those relating to: the growth of GPU Computing on the planet, the advantages of the program GPU and CUDA Research Centers and the effect of patents the company on modern computing are estimates fut

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