Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I found this book a few days ago in my favorite shop, I was interested but in the end I got it. The

Montessori for all | House on the Prairie
I have spoken many times in this book. By now everyone knows that this is one of my favorite lyrics ever. And 'one of those books that make you feel good. While the laws you pass the doubts, anxieties, feelings of guilt. In their place comes the enthusiasm and desire to do, along with an overwhelming optimism.
thank you, surely I will follow him because I know it will be very interesting
Unfortunately, the multilingual version of the blog is not automatic ... And in this moment I can not even stand behind the translations
Thank you Claudia! Once again I find comfort thrift stores chicago in your blog ... what you live is a time a little 'hard, I have three children. The small is three months thrift stores chicago old and prefers to speak with the voice of crying ... so I often feel inadequate thrift stores chicago and incompetent because I can not calm her. I ordered the book that advice and I know that I will not stay disappointed ... I just hope to have time to read it ;-)! Thank you again!
Joking aside, I find myself in this passage from the post "Not only is the child, thrift stores chicago according to Maria Montessori, our teacher. Thanks to him we can develop thrift stores chicago our intelligence and our feelings, and even "rewrite thrift stores chicago our history, to open ourselves to happiness. '" Because the children allow us to grow, to work to overcome our limits and our flaws, if we and we are committed to this.
It 's hard, of course. Because when you're tired or you have done to lose patience, thrift stores chicago poetry often goes to hell, but when you try to retrace our steps, you appreciate these trials as training and insights.
Hello Claudia, as usual you've had a brilliant idea to say the least. I, too, ever since I became a mother I met this wonderful teaching of which I immediately fell in love. For the sake of my daughter I have read, studied, thrift stores chicago deepened everything you need to know to issue to this kind of teaching. Move above the economic impossibility of payment thrift stores chicago to enroll in such schools thrift stores chicago (I have asked for a line of 450 Euros per month), and thanks to your blog, I gradually started to build the materials and make them use. The success was immediate, quick and enjoyable. thrift stores chicago
Just like you, given the scarcity of information in Italian, I took courage is I opened my personal blog, a mommy blog for the accuracy (you me and many others you have been inspired). Here I keep a "heading" (let's call it), in which every week I add a little of what I know and I try to condivierlo with many other mothers, because thrift stores chicago we know that unity is strength. I do not have dual interests, or who knows what economic purpose, the Web is for me to exchange and sharing with my help and if I can change thrift stores chicago just one little thing, thrift stores chicago I'll be happy cm .
Goes or if you are interested in any type of "sharing" or collaboration in Montessori, please do not hesitate to contact me. Currently I have several projects thrift stores chicago I'm working on the plate. thrift stores chicago
Hello Claudia, as always you talented! I wanted chiederi why did you put your new project in facebook? Unfortunately I can not read your website in the office break room, where facebook is blank, and then I will follow you ... It's not impossible by any chance you will be one access? Your tips are very useful to me having two children and believing in the principles of Montessori ...
I created a FB page because at the moment I do not have time to devote to the creation of a new site (which would not make sense, since it will all be incorporated here on the blog). The Facebook page serves mostly as a "container" and has a "twin" also on google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/111039873690335086958/posts)
Thanks for reminding me about this book! It was in the list for some time, but your post gave me the push to buy it and read it immediately (ebook format). I know in part the thought of montessori and I've read a few books by and about her, but this is shaping up (I've only read a few pages) and very nice with a different approach from the usual, perhaps closer to the books written by the same montessori, but more current. Do you know by any chance if there is a version in French? I wanted to give it to a friend ...
I found this book a few days ago in my favorite shop, I was interested but in the end I got it. Then yesterday I happened to talk with friends of the positive aspects of the Montessori method, and today I read your post ... I guess I'll be back soon and get it! In the meantime, expect your ideas! But there is an age from which it makes sense to approach thrift stores chicago the method? My baby is four months old ...
Hello Claudia, Monday and Tuesday thrift stores chicago I will be in Nice for the Capes ... a friend told me convint

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