Friday, November 29, 2013

The economy primark berlin eröffnung exists because there is an exchange, each exchange presuppose

The economy primark berlin eröffnung exists because there is an exchange, each exchange presupposes the existence of two parties with opposing interests: primark berlin eröffnung the buyer wants to spend less, the seller wants to earn more. Many analyzes forget this essential fact. To contribute to a more balanced view of reality we started this blog, inspired by the famous Goofy thought: "It is strange how a downhill view from below resembles a rose." A simple truth, but from the non-trivial applications ...
Instructions for Use - This blog is a place for study and development of critical thinking, which follows more than a year an educational articulated. To facilitate the inclusion of new players in this process of introduction I wrote this post. I urge you to not take action without first giving him a look. Avoid asking questions which have already been answered and you can contribute to the debate in a more original, aware and documented. From the work on this blog is born Sunset euro (also available in Ebook on various platforms: format Epub, Mobipocket, etc.. @ AlbertoBagnai.
I welcome primark berlin eröffnung the invitation of his friend and colleague Antonio Rinaldi to pull the strings of speech. Not a simple task, given the complexity and variety of issues raised by its text, which, while being agile, however, addresses the issue of the crisis in a variety of facets, all equally important: the technical-economic, historical, the political, sociological.
In doing so bring to the attention primark berlin eröffnung of the reader the aspects that I found most significant in my reading path, necessarily subjective primark berlin eröffnung and individual. It would be very difficult to imagine two scholars from the path so different than mine and that of Antonio: he comes, after a solid education, a path of responsibility at the top of major companies, primark berlin eröffnung where he worked as an operative who has approached the Italian ruling class who paints in a rather primark berlin eröffnung disenchanted (and we think he's a good reason), and I, on the other hand, coming from a path of academic research, total outsider, far from the corridors of power and the political dynamics of Italian, concerned for years to the study of emerging economies.
Yet two such different people have found themselves in the front row in the Italian media in the debate on the crisis, because united by two deep motivations: the respect for the teachings of our teachers (Paolo Savona in his case, in my Francesco Carlucci), among few economists Italian timely to have dared to express critical positions towards the folly of the euro, and the concern for our children, to whom we wanted to use the beautiful words of Anthony, "give back our country as we have received it." But technicians, both, with great sadness, primark berlin eröffnung we already know that this will not be possible, whatever the scenario that is to materialize: Plan A, B or D, to use the effective categorization proposed by Antonio. The damage is done, and now widely beyond the economic dimension.
It is now the same process of cultural primark berlin eröffnung integration, social policy and the European Union to meet a severe and possibly irreversible setback, the causes of which were well known to economists Nicholas Kaldor already in 1971, and then Dominick primark berlin eröffnung Salvatore in 1997, with many others remember in the text, had complained that precede political union monetary primark berlin eröffnung union would compromise the first, without ensuring primark berlin eröffnung the success of the second. The reasons are clear to everyone by now, well summarized by Antonio in the third chapter of this book (The Euro is a currency): the lack of a credible lender of last resort, that is supported by a unified political will for governments Eurozone turns even business normally devoid of risk, such as public debt, in activities subject to country risk, fueling the spread, the perverse phenomenon whereby in the event of a crisis, the more money it costs more where it would be necessary to boost the economy. primark berlin eröffnung
It is difficult to convey to the "secular" primark berlin eröffnung (ie non-economists) the absolute and total predictability of these perverse outcomes, the economic literature had not only analyzed in theoretical terms by time, but also described in empirical terms, having seen many crises in financial that have plagued emerging markets over the last thirty years. But in fact, quite rightly reminds Rinaldi in the same chapter, primark berlin eröffnung the node is here: joining the euro has in fact resulted in the conversion of the public debt of member countries primark berlin eröffnung in a foreign currency. By way of example, for Portugal, today, borrow in Euros is as for the & #

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