Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The prohibitions approaching ibuy a time and the constraints imposed by the current National Park,

Pianosa - a troubled history | GENTLEBREEZE
Was a winter of many years ago when the past for the first time Pianosa. I saw her from afar. We were sailing ibuy with a 57 foot yacht, departed from Cala Galera directed at the blackboard with a stop at Elba. The weather was bad, it was raining, the clouds formed a gray cover that lead us crushed between the breakers, we had the mistral wind on the nose, splashing of the waves breaking on the rocks of Pianosa rose high and far gave the island ibuy that image is typical of abandoned ibuy lands and unwelcoming. It was not seen as a shelter from the storm was quite something to be avoided, thinking borne out by all the prohibitions that set it apart: do not approach, no anchor, no this, no that, no anything. Much better to reduce the sail and pull straight ibuy north leaving the island on our left.
A few years later, when the last prisoner had packed up and the prison was finally closed, I decided to visit the island, taking advantage of some beautiful days of the end of September. Pianosa is just a few miles from the Elbe and starting from Marina di Campo, a 30-minute leisurely sailing, siraggiunge the dock. In high season there is also a service from Porto Azzurro: the shuttle leaves at 10.00 and returns at 17.00. On the island you can not stay overnight.
When I landed I immediately realized the wrong impression that I had done the first time and what I had lost up to that point. Put your feet on the ground was immediately captivated by the charm of the island, abandoned buildings, the small pine forest and Cala San Giovanni, one of the most beautiful beaches of the Tuscan archipelago, take you back in time.
Thanks to the presence of the prison, opened in 1858 and then called agricultural penal colony, the island has remained untouched, not so much on the ground, where he underwent major upheavals due to the activities of man, as in the sea.
The prohibitions approaching ibuy a time and the constraints imposed by the current National Park, have preserved its surrounding waters for at least 150 years, making them among the richest in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. The rich depths of seagrass meadows are a perfect nursery for many species of fish which find the suitable environment for playing. ibuy
The arrival at the port leaves the visitor spellbound by its beauty, the buildings that overlook the harbor, although in poor condition, ibuy have an attraction typical of nineteenth-century maritime village of which we have many examples in Italy, but the state of abandonment prevailing in both the village and the Napoleonic fort soon transformed ibuy the sense of peace and beauty in alarm because if important decisions will not be taken for its recovery this pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea could be lost forever.
Entering the country you can still see the attendance of the recent past as the old post office, the 'former ticket office Toremar and the abandoned house agronomist who was the person responsible ibuy for the crops when the penal colony was in operation. Today they live on the island some Carabinieri, a prison guard with the family and some prisoners, few indeed. These, in a condition of parole, managing a cooperative that has as its primary purpose the carrying out of a small restaurant and the sale of some souvenir handicraft production. The island is patrolled regularly by patrol boats of Portoferraio Harbour which has the task of guarding the surrounding waters and enforce the directives of the National Park throughout the year. From June to October are posted on the island 3 soldiers of the Coast Guard. ibuy The strong cooperation in the supervision of the Coast Guard the State Forestry Corps and some voluntary organizations have recently led to important successes in the fight against poaching in the sea and fishing equipment seized both Italians and foreigners.
Pianosa historic theater of strife: in Roman times the island was being traded and changed hands several times as a result of battles won and lost and became a place of exile of Agrippa, grandson of Emperor Augustus here where he met his death at the hands of an assassin. Of this period are the remains of a Roman villa, the amphitheater and the baths of Agrippa, that, although ibuy little of it remains, you can still visit. With a time gap of 1000 years we get to the naval battles between Pisa and Genoa who fought for domination of the archipelago for more than two centuries. It then passed the course, the Visconti of Milan, the Spanish in 1520 under Charles V, we passed pirates of all kinds, to the French allied with the Turks fought Spain giving birth to another era of battles between the French and the Spanish. They run the years and we arrive to the conquest of Napoleon

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