Sunday, November 10, 2013

Manatees are protected and endangered animals. We would go to the Three Sisters dillards black frid

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At 5 clock in the morning we got up and as we discovered on the car shortly before 06:00 clock ice in the parking lot, we could hardly believe our eyes, but it was really damn cold! The thermometer showed the Toyota 35F, or about 2 C. At these temperatures, dillards black friday we wanted to meet with a ship out on the King's Bay? The water should be about 20 C, and of course we would wear neoprene, but we could hardly imagine that at the moment.
At 06:00 clock we were at the store of Birds Underwater. dillards black friday Christina dillards black friday gave us wetsuits and we moved around us. We had brought our own snorkels and masks, fins but we were also borrowed. Christina told us what we should be observed closely and while they moved we watched a short film with yet another explanation.
[Catherine]: I have not slept with excitement. My swimming skills are only a few weeks old and I have never swam in natural dillards black friday waters. OK, the last time 18 years ago and I would have drowned in the attempt by a hair. Add to that the great beasts ... but I wanted to make absolutely yes, it was my dream!
After the movie I got the above sleeve whiz! In the video I have seen others that the animals clutched the snorkelers and talk easily while pulling it down. A Manatee (Manatee) had chewed at a Schnorchlerin even on her long braid. I started to make me worry, if that's not too much for me is. Our 8-o Christina gave me a pool noodle for safety, they said it was the snorkeling better than a life vest, would be lower in the water. That calmed me down. I can swim, but a noodle is a feeling of security. So I could breathe a little.
Manatees are protected and endangered animals. We would go to the Three Sisters dillards black friday Springs, hot springs, which (the best time for the tour: December - March), the manatees in the winter, especially at night and retire to sleep. The rules: Do not swim out to the animals, do not reach for them and not to hold a fortiori. They should only touch when they come to you. Actually quite easy, but not all stick to these simple rules. A 15-year protection plan expires in 2 years, then it may be that a committee responsible under Rule fractions of some snorkelers in the new 15-year plan prohibits any contact with the animals. That would be a scary loss for every prudent visitors and the end of the organizers of these tours. The committee members visit every now and then such tours (incognito) and observe the behavior of other participants.
At about 07:00 clock we went out with the boat. It was freezing cold! We were the only guests on this tour. Christina said that just the vacationers prefer to choose The 11 clock tour because they want to sleep late. However, manatees begin after sunrise dillards black friday slowly to disperse itself in search of food in King's Bay. It then makes significantly dillards black friday less manatees in the springs.
Christina dillards black friday made the first video recordings; dillards black friday between I had the task to guard well wrapped in a sweater (underwater camera housing) so that they would not fog later in the water due to the temperature difference her "baby".
They prepared us for "grabber" before. These are manatees who like to embrace a time with their fins. Of this there is a very large and a baby. We need but have no fear, they would not pull us under water or the like. In slow and clear English she told us repeatedly that we need fear nothing and should just stay with quiet and slow movements behind her.
Finally, the boat glided across the entrance to the sources and we anchored here. I sprayed the diving mask with an anti-fogging agent (which is exactly what had been missing with in the Dry Tortugas!) And pulled the fins on me. Christina went first into the water and as far as I was already floating under which the head so that it was not so easy to slip into the water. We had not expected that the water would feel so warm. We climbed almost to a warm bath!
Catherine dared not only correctly. She had just learned to swim and extra for this experience and still struggled a bit with their initial uncertainty. Eventually, however, she slipped into the water ... that would please dillards black friday her much easier if I would have come forward to tell her that the only water here et

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