Wednesday, December 10, 2014

And when you have no money, think that they are happy. We must avoid this at a very early age. Can

To learn to manage your money is a difficult task. It is a challenge for every parent to educate your child to be financially responsible when he grows up in the future be able to make the right decisions apoteca in economic matters.
Consumer culture will be planted in any case the child, because it is surrounded by creatives everywhere: at home on television, in school canteen, the largest carriers of creative children themselves. Can we handle this?
This is consumerism apoteca - to want to buy. This begins to inculcate in children at their first conscious moments and so grow up without knowing the opportunity to be able to choose better for yourself, because apoteca almost no one teaches it.
And when you have no money, think that they are happy. We must avoid this at a very early age. Can a child feel miserable because you can now get the toy that advertise apoteca on television or when other children have something it will.
Why do people refuse to take the time for financial education of their children? Why leave the television ads to educate and determine their own future. Why do people say that money is not important that no family values, love and friends and not think more seriously than what they say. There is no logic in this. What family values will sow in the child's mind, if you live in poverty apoteca and are wondering how to connect both ends.
Why while watching an ad for children's products or treats not try to awaken the desire of children apoteca to ask themselves: Why do I offer this? How can my life easier? What may be useful to me? Is there anything else that would be more useful to me. What is the point to have product advertising? How much money can cost my mom and dad? What is more important can I buy with that money. Do not be influenced by the child's ads? Can you give our attention in another direction?
Instead of telling them what to do and how to spend, we just give them an example. Much more effective! While shopping, we can show them how we choose between this or that commodity. Give them the opportunity to choose them instead of us. Leave them safely touched all products in the supermarket. In supermarkets no signs "Do not touch!", So not to worry if the child push or break something. Let them pay the bill and to teach them to count change.
Of course, to set a good example, we ourselves must do it well. In no case should shop quickly, apoteca and to consider each purchase. You are on the market, not the morning jogging.
Call for Conference Digital KidZ
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