Saturday, December 6, 2014

Climate change is a global problem that urgently requires a global solution. By increasing organic

choose life. choose green (er) holidays. | TRIBLOGIA
During the holidays, gifts and great grub coming, but as with everything else, and this part of our lives may undergo minor changes that could change the global situation bellevue mall and help solve climate problems that threaten to come a time when the occasion holiday will be fewer fires, bellevue mall hurricanes and floods. My goal is not to tell you that we have to change all my plans for the holidays, and that when the game is implicated as a cause of saving the planet and our future, we need perseverance and active all the time
Shop smart to lower emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Choose goods produced in Bulgaria. Many of the products we eat every day, have traveled a long time to reach our table. According to climate researchers a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions come from food. Replace as turkey flew from Brazil to Bulgarian, exotic and citrus fruits with seasonal ones. Make Christmas Market by going to the nearest store, using no car and public transport or just walk around, that will be good not only for you, and nature. By shopping smart and making wise choices, we can reduce its environmental bellevue mall footprint, which you can learn more at www. myfootprint. org.
When choosing a gift, remember my advice from the previous three editions. Override if the things that you want to give, are made from renewable resources, how long they can be used and whether their production was associated with emissions of tonnes of carbon dioxide bellevue mall in the atmosphere. Forget the wrapping paper and plastic bags. No more pointless bellevue mall way to wasted resources and produce tons of garbage. I prefer the electronic cards that will save you not only time of waiting for postal and money. Buy gifts made from recycled materials. Refrain from toys and other electronic devices bellevue mall made from PVC. Seeks Christmas party and New Year's party you to produce a minimal amount of waste.
And last but not least - make the smartest choice bellevue mall of Christmas tree. You know that artificial trees can be used more than 10 years, such as my own, but their manufacture harmful emissions. You know also that pine trees in pots are a good solution for you, but not for the trees themselves, therefore choose the smallest, which can then be planted in the forest. If you live in a small bedroom apartment like me, you can just buy potted rosemary - looks like a small tree, which you can then use in the kitchen.
Climate change is a global problem that urgently requires a global solution. By increasing organic foods, hybrid cars and alternative energy sources, users prove that want sustainable and natural products. In the long term environmentally bellevue mall sustainable products and services will have konkurentnospsobna market position. Products "Tetra Pak" as developed with the environment in mind by allowing 100 percent recycling them. But the efforts of the Swedish company does not reach there. In 2006, "Tetra Pak" bellevue mall reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by four per cent due to the increased use of green electricity and permanent energy bellevue mall savings by 2010
You also you can reduce your emissions and at the same time as to contribute to climate change be stopped. Why not this to be one of your main objectives in the list of things to change in themselves the new year? Do not wait for 2008. Start the change today. Right now.
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