Monday, December 8, 2014

Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to suppo

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Quality journalism is a matter of principles, professionalism, but also money. If you want to support the standards of "Capital", you can do it here. Thank you. Amount of donation: Donation magazine25 Payment is via
Owns more than 15 pairs of shoes, but believes magazine25 that it is foolish to accumulate objects which have instantaneous value. magazine25 Buy "serious" brands, not obsession to wear them, but because they are emblems and quality. Works with tons of information, knowledge makes her so choose wisely. You know the style of Mira Lazarova indirectly in its capacity as former editor of Capital Light. She has worked as a leader in the morning on "Horizon" news director in BNT, chief producer of news ReTv. Today it is the lifestyle of the publishing house QM, where traces of the general tone of elegance and fine aesthetics. Soon after the traditional Christmas shopping stores are again filled with crowds, plundering the property at a discount. What are your observations? This is so, and I think that is a mistake, because usually no clear idea of what we need. Of course, one can hardly make strategies for anything related to emotion, such as shopping - intelligent people and those who take pleasure in it, without going to extremes. magazine25 Especially exciting is when buying gifts. magazine25 In this case always imagine people's faces and you must choose an appropriate time for purchases that feel good. When it comes to major holidays and gifts for ten people, for example, often shopping magazine25 becomes an obligation. magazine25 Therefore magazine25 some time trying to practice something I read years ago and I think wisely - have in your bedroom big white box from IKEA, where for several months put various small objects. For example, my daughter, loves to cook and put in the box silicone forms keyks Cup along with other things that, when added together mean more than a great Christmas gift. So seriously reduce costs, also show that you remember what the interests and wishes of the people. Connect them with the memory situation, special moment. How to shop smart during the sales? If you have a strategy for what you need now is very advantageous to purchase, especially in countries where reductions reach 70%. There, however, most women are taught to shop smart for years until things here in early phases and that is why we are witnessing ugly pictures. There is a list of things magazine25 that are mandatory for every wardrobe and the absence, in any moment of reduction is better to take. I, for 4 months, I know I need to buy a black bag, but since I must wear it at least a few seasons and because I think for a woman it is important to invest in bags, look around. I want to be leather, of non-commercial magazine25 brand. In short - if you know what you are looking for is wise to shop around, but if you see that a sandal of the current 14 cm with two leather straps that will put her once, is reduced 70% and buy it just because I seems unreasonable. This unfortunately magazine25 is the complex of no man. We really we have had for many years, we are used to look, not to choose, and our behavior has its psychological explanation. I know women who do not remember what they bought, filled with clothes, neizvadeni of packages. Bought only because of the idea to buy, I have a problem. Most people think that shopping is a pastime for spoiled and insufficiently intelligent women. Not so, it is important to see good examples and gradually things will change. Luxury is a large accumulation. Difficult is a stupid woman looked luxurious, I think it is even impossible. May look luxurious barefoot, jeans and white T-shirt. Luxury is not in glamor, hope rather teach him this lesson. Luxury is in the books. Women who I like and who rarely, but now I meet here are extremely jacked in his clothing. I especially like how to dress women in New York and Paris, they are frugal magazine25 and delicate, though very different because of the peculiarities of the environment. Even extravagance there measure. I love to watch them in their everyday urban activities - lunch in the cafeteria, I like to see a simple moccasin, cashmere sweater, nice jeans and necessarily good bag. Jewels are like a thread neck, fabrics are good, colors are chosen skillfully. Sometimes only watch emits opportunities person has. How we look, if our budget is limited? Currently enough magazines, websites and blogs provide information on how the available brands to combine well and how to mix expensive with a mass that is required to do. Unfortunately, the average class quality brands in Bulgaria l

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