Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Since I knew that some of Bree

Exclusive Interview with author Stephenie Meyer on "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" which comes out in stores Saturday, June 5 | TWILIGHT SWEDEN - The official movie page - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 on DVD & Blu-ray 02.03.13
Exclusive Interview with author Stephenie Meyer on "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" which comes out in stores Saturday, June 5 Written by Jennifer and Stephanie den 3 June 2010 16:00 in Stephenie shopping mall game Meyer, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, shopping mall game The Twilight Saga | 12 comments
Initially, I was not particularly fascinated by precisely Bree, but of the newborns in general. It lasted of course a lot of behind the scenes while I was writing Eclipse, things Bella did not know. As I concentrated on Bella, I could not dive too deeply into the newborns' story, but I always had a picture in mind of what they were doing. I had to think about it while I wrote the plot; This is Bella right now, while the newborns are doing this. To keep track of it did I end up a calendar for the months of May and June - when Eclipse unfolds - and wrote the day by day what Bella was doing and what was happening at the same time in Seattle. shopping mall game So the newborn's story was always an important part of Eclipse. And I was a little sad that I could not tell you anything about it in the book.
Bree is the only newborn mentioned by name in Eclipse, the only newborn who has any contact with the family Cullen (except to be killed by them), and the only newborn who encounters the Volturi in the meadow. She lives the longest, so she is the voice that can tell the whole story. She was a natural choice to portray the newborn's history. Once I started writing from her perspective, shopping mall game she got her own life, to such an extent that it became really depressing to continue when the inevitable end was approaching. It was harder for me to kill Bree than any other fictional character I created, even if I killed her for the second time. (Before Bree was Walter in through your eyes saddest.)
I did not realize that the story was a novella until I gave it to my publisher. I just knew that it was 80 000 words shorter than most of my novels, shopping mall game and I was surprised when I was told that it was nearly 200 pages long and would not fit in the guide. But I had always wished that people would get to read Bree's story before the movie came, so when I got the proposal to publish it as a standalone novella, it felt like a great opportunity.
Eclipse is told entirely from Bella's perspective. There are some limitations - when so much going on off-stage shopping mall game (so to speak) left many questions unanswered. The films are privileged to be able to consider events with different eyes than Bella. Viewers will see things - like when the wolves chasing Victoria in New Moon - readers only get a hint about. Of all the books in the series, shopping mall game it is precisely Eclipse as it happens most outside Bella's field of view. For the movie to work, we must see and understand some of the events. shopping mall game
Since I knew that some of Bree's story would intertwine into the movie, I hoped the story could somehow get out first. Personally, I always want to read a book before I see the movie. I would like to create my own pictures before I presented to someone else. Most of my readers are certainly not the same concerns, but I wanted to give those who have the chance to create their own mental pictures of Bree and the gang.
Around the time when I started working with the story of the wizard, began Melissa Rosenberg, the Twilight films as a screenwriter, working with Eclipse. She had lots of questions about what was going on in Seattle. Because the movie was not tied to Bella's perspective shopping mall game in the same way as the book, she could freely explore the newborns, but she wanted to act would be consistent with the story in my head. I told him that I had written a part of Bree's story, and she really wanted to read it. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I began to seriously concentrate on the story. When the preparations for the filming of Eclipse began, Brees history compiled. I sent it to the director, David Slade, and he asked if he could let the actors involved in the newborn's part of the movie read it. Of course I said yes.
Short novel is not the reason why there are scenes with the newborns in the Eclipse, but it is the reason why the scenes match the pictures in my head. Hopefully gave it too Xavier, Bryce, and Jodelle some greater insight into their characters.
At first I thought it would be fun. I concentrated more on plot than character - which is very unusual for me - and I looked shopping mall game forward shopping mall game to spending time with really vampyriga vampires. shopping mall game I had many förödelsescener shopping mall game in my head that I wanted to put into print. Me

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