Friday, December 26, 2014

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Part 1 of the series "Shops love": Beach, NYC | (not so) Anonymous Biblioholister
Some stores become legendary. They occur in boktokars hearts, in movies, in books (metaboktokande!) gmarket kr And in TV series. One of these stores is the Strand in New York. There are new books, used books, regular books, rare books, bokrelaterade everything-you-can-think-you-things - yes, it's a hodgepodge of delights! This shop alone is a good reason gmarket kr to go to New York with largely empty suitcases.
The shop has a long history, it literally is living history. It is still an independent bookstore (they are becoming fewer and fewer, the big chains are eating gmarket kr up most) and it is in the same family as it was 83 years ago! What a wonderful legacy to uphold! (Hmm, do you think they would be willing to adopt a Swedish tågingenjör ...? Maybe you should try?)
I have not checked on the Beach has its own imdb page, but maybe I should do it! (OK then, I'll gmarket kr do it! NOW!) Well, it does, but I think it is bad with "credits"! Beach - in one form or another - promoted in Gossip Girl (in the form of a t-shirt and dating place), it is included in Julie and Julia and darn if not himself, Robert Pattinson (best known as the most difficult courageous and sammetsögde Edward in films based on Stephenie Meyer's vampire books) plays the Strand-employed gmarket kr in Remember Me.
I naturally came home with books, funny postcards and a book-bag! This bag I go around and pops a little extra with, that's my official Library Tote (yes, it is a title worthy of capital letters!) And in addition to being environmentally gmarket kr friendly, sturdy and holds many heavy books without cutting into your hands ( a relatively common boktoksproblem I would say!) so it is of course a wonderful little "revirpinkare" boktokar between;)
Another "famous-from-TV" -related boktoksdestination in New York is of course the New York Public Library (I never understood the panic of "Day After Tomorrow" - Mr. Gosh, several of the main characters took shelter gmarket kr in one of the world's most beautiful libraries - what was the problem ?;)).
I like cats and books, we have already debated several gmarket kr times now. Combo is practically impossible to beat. A warm and sleepy cat on my stomach when lying and ferment / reading on the sofa - or, as here, the handsome cat singlets are Patience and Fortitude that guard the New York Public Library (specifically, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building - NYPL've lots of branches, but This is at least the one that I think of in connection with NYPL)
Sadly, we were too early (we ended up in Bryant Park in general was just then most of us waited for the MoMA would open), the library had not yet had time to open for the day. But next time, then! Then we'll certainly inspect the interior too.
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