Tuesday, March 10, 2015

35 4:25 | Chile

Target .- Reuters Corp reported a higher-than-expected quarterly profit and raised its estimate xibiouz for the whole year, thanks xibiouz to which attracted more buyers to expand your food choices at various stores and discounts for customers xibiouz of your card.
The company's xibiouz earnings were unchanged at 704 million xibiouz during the second quarter -finalizado July- 28, while earnings per share rose to $ 1.06 from $ 1.03 a year ago.
The earnings beat the average analyst forecast of $ 1.01, according to Thomson Reuters I / B / E / S. After learning the results, shares of Targetsubían 2.38% to $ 64.89, at 1641 GMT on the NYSE.
US discount chain has been opening xibiouz stores in smaller cities and using new tactics to make more frequent visits buyers. Target has also incurred expenses as it prepares to open its first branch in Canada next year.
However, these expenses were slightly lower than anticipated and the results benefited xibiouz from it, in the same way that was beneficial greater than expected in the unit credit card company profitability, xibiouz said analyst David Strasser of Janney.
For the full year, Target estimates now earn $ 4.20-4.40 per share, after May calculated 4.10-4.30 dollars. Analyst forecasts point to a profit of $ 4.31 per share.
Target said he was "very pleased" with the results of its first developed CityTargets three that opened in Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle in late July. The tents have two thirds the size of the typical local company xibiouz and have a limited selection of some items.
Analysts see CityTarget as an example of how you plan to manage Target stores in Canada, where locals are smaller than traditional stores in the United States. Target plans to start opening stores in Canada in March or April, after taking xibiouz the licensing of Zellers stores Hudson's Bay Co in 2011.
44 6:45 | What cities attract the largest amount of foreign direct investment?
35 4:25 | Chile's Banco Penta maintains healthy financial position after stopping owners
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