Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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Of course, I guess, you will inevitably questioned me, Xu Zhong Ren want to play kingmaker 林敏雄, as long as the parties subjectively prefer, send them both a blessing car is, what means something objective certificate to prove that the construction company started halfway cross circulation Retail The Lin Minxiong have profited Luo Zhi replace real life before 10 gruppen fate?
Of course, you can choose to compromise Xu Zhong Ren, anyway, whether 10 gruppen unity or unity over, we all work for the high-boss. But he is also unwilling to succumb, he involves the circulation of retail operations for the faith. You know, at home to open a bookstore, University to study business administration, went to Waseda attack in circulation, in addition to operating losses due to the unified super early, he was transferred back to unity bread brief two years, basically, 10 gruppen Xu Zhong Ren colleagues and peers unified group than it is few manufacturing plants smell temperament unified people. Thus context, can accurately interpret "in foreign countries, manufacturing is the manufacture, distribution and circulation" (see "The Godfather circulation Shigehito youth Xu notes," a book), as well as recent news conference, stressing "My DNA is retail," and so concise words, is its meaning as a key strategy to guide the second revolution.
In simple terms, in addition to real estate (Yuan Lee Construction), banks (Bank of Thailand), retail 10 gruppen (full Associated Press), a combination of the three business units of the diamond, get out of the multiplier effect of cash flow, is to allow only a hundred million worth 林敏雄, owns a deep pocket. Thus in order in 2008, and came from a family 10 gruppen of Cathay Cai Zhenyu richest man, standing at the same height, together with the high price of 4.06 million per ping, take the center 10 gruppen of Taipei's "Lutheran joint logistics" land as exploration capsule. In 2011, China with over 7 billion yuan solid high after strong swallow "Saint Tianmu children's home" is more the subject, which also attract buyers more than half the land, to the day to teach you to save money on television, Mr. Trans Union " . "
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