Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Lightness of Electrons marisas in a Twisting Metal Crystal marisas

The Lightness of Electrons marisas in a Twisting Metal Crystal marisas July 25, 2008 ( - A research team observed in Princeton (Princeton) University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center that, when the electrons move through the crystalline bismuth metal body which behave like light. This finding, supported marisas by NSF and detailed in the journal Science today, will lead to a new type of electronic device occurs. Electronics, marisas as tiny baseball, marisas flying marisas in space. When an electron velocity marisas between periodic arrangement of atoms in the crystal, marisas its performance marisas will be very different. The basic equations describing motion in crystals with those of free-flying baseball very different. For example, in bismuth, the fundamental equations of electron motion, and that behavior marisas is very similar to the description of light. Although marisas surrounded marisas by electrons in crystals when the speed is lower than the speed of light gallop, marisas but these electrons behave as if they have no mass, and, like the photon, it is the smallest unit of light. More than a decade ago, theoretical physicists supported by NSF are limited to one layer of semiconductor material is made of the resulting electrons. They predict that the new electronic event by the law of quantum mechanics ruled types from different layers of electrons emerge, to coordinate their movements. Scientists hypothesized that bismuth crystals should also exhibit analogous electronic states MICE (electronic states). The Princeton group, led by physicist N. Phuan Ong, bismuth crystals fixed on the cantilever, and place the equipment by the NSF National marisas High Magnetic Field Laboratory have created a high magnetic marisas field, the lab can create more than a million times stronger than the magnetic field. In such a huge magnetic field, the cantilever torsion (twists) a. It reversed the way to the Princeton researchers reveal in bismuth crystals in this elusive new event type. In the single-crystal bismuth, electrons are usually restricted in three valleys marisas in a complex abstract landscape that scientists use to describe this kind of landscape in the crystal structure of an electron energy. Through careful study of reverse cantilever, they observed a shift: in a basic law of quantum mechanics by which orchestrated dance, electrons prefer to occupy only one place from the valley of the state, into a share of their time in all the valley . "It's exciting because it has previously been predicted, but never proven, and it will eventually lead to a new paradigm of computing and electronics," Thomas Rieker said, NSF Materials Research Center Program Supervisor. Through this study, the theory of electrodynamics of semiconductor electronic states indicate a rich landscape, and Princeton researchers will continue their adventure. Someday, these newly discovered electronic states of events, perhaps to make powerful new electronic equipment as possible, and that the principles of quantum mechanics to computing and communications. see it should be able to better understand the above summary of what to say, the relevant reports in a similar experiment. * Phase Transitions of Dirac Electrons in Bismuth marisas Lu Li, JG Checkelsky, marisas YS Hor, C. Uher, AF Hebard, RJ Cava, NP Ong Science 25 July 2008: Vol 321. no 5888, pp 547 - 550 DOI:... 10.1126 / science.1158908 The Dirac Hamiltonian, which successfully describes relativistic fermions, applies equally well to electrons in solids marisas with linear energy dispersion, for example, in bismuth and graphene. A characteristic of these materials is that a magnetic field less than 10 tesla suffices to force the Dirac electrons into the lowest Landau level, with resultant strong marisas enhancement of the Coulomb interaction energy. Moreover, the Dirac electrons usually come with multiple flavors or valley degeneracy. These ingredients favor transitions to a collective state with novel quantum properties in large field. By using torque magnetometry, we have investigated the magnetization of bismuth to fields of 31 tesla. We report the observation of sharp field-induced phase transitions into a state with striking magnetic marisas anisotropy, consistent with the breaking of the threefold valley degeneracy. * The first flake graphite STM spectroscopy marisas of quantum states to generate new surprise * * Qubit serve several films shared with surprising features * " excitonic circuits "elimination rate dilemma marisas between marisas computing and communications * nanotubes as a single photon source * electron microscopy enter picometer scale * control * Most of atomic physicists now possible discovery of new particles: Bottomonium (end even Su)
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