Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Good money management is a part pf what makes Asian rich

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We all know the stereotypes about Asians – small men with a ‘toothpick’, nerds, eat weird things… and cheap-asses . Some people say stereotypes have to have some roots in real life but is that really true? Where is the line between good money management and being Scrooge shoe plaza McDuck
Looking on my own Western-Eastern experience I would rather say Asian people care so much about their face , especially in front of a girlfriend, that they would rather pay the whole bill than take out a calculator and divide it between them. You don’t see white people in a restaurant fighting over a bill, throwing their credit shoe plaza cards or giving back the cash and putting their own . Of course there are exceptions like one of my husband’s ex roommates – he always asked Sing for a ride, including the time he moved out but never even said ‘Oh man, maybe you need money for gas?’. When Sing was at school he sneaked into his room and ate his snacks. The day he moved out he took toilet paper and a light bulb with himself from their landlord. And whenever my husband told him he doesn’t like it he used the same sentence ‘Your parents can send you more’. Good to know my parents in law can transform into ATM for his roommate.
Good money management is a part pf what makes Asian rich – I don’t shoe plaza say buying half a bun will make you next Li Ka-shing shoe plaza (if you don’t shoe plaza know who he is check out my last post about Hong Kong memes – he’s one of them) but why buy 2 potatoes in Jusco for 8 HKD when you can get them for half of the price why would you buy it there? If you can save up a tax or parking fee why would you do that? When white people do that it’s shoe plaza totally acceptable, people are smart by doing it but when Asians do that… sorry, they’re cheap-asses . I don’t talk about situations when there’s 13C in the house and landlord doesn’t turn on the heating because it saves 60 USD, but how to save up by just simply thinking. My husband is master in avoiding shoe plaza parking fees, tickets, bank fees and he’s really proud of that. If there was a degree he probably would have a PhD at the age of 18.
I keep writing about everyday ‘cheapness’ but now I finally get to the’meat of the dumpling – being cheap on a date . And here is the funny part – we did a research on 3 big Chinese and Hong Kong forums and the only complaints about cheap Asian men were because their MALE FRIEND did not pay for all 5 of GIRLS during karaoke . Friend to a friend, we couldn’t find a single example about a guy being cheap to his girlfriend.
If I have to compare, only by my own very small experience, I would say in my case Asian men are much more generous than white guys . My previous relationship wasn’t the best that ever happened to me, we never really go out, if so we sit on the bus stop and I was the one who always go see him because paying for 5PLN for a bus to see me was way too much, but when his friend called he would even find 10PLN so they could drink a beer. Then I have my husband – I asked him for a doughnut before Fat Thursday instead he bought me twelve. shoe plaza But that actually came from his cheapness ‘If shoe plaza I get one it’s 1.50 USD but for 12 I pay only 10USD’. Generosity coming out of cheapness . Only Sing can do it. But that is only my private opinion based on my not so exciting love life, especially my dad is 100% Polish and he’s not cheap at all – he prefers to spend more for a better quality and he’s a generous man in general towards people he loves. shoe plaza To be fair when I googled ‘paying on the first date savoir vivre’ the first result was about Polish people with ‘ First of all, you do have to behave no worse than Polish men do. Polish men are gentlemen’. I guess I was unlucky one.
But it makes me feel much better I wasn’t the only one. As I said I couldn’t find anything about cheap Asian guys – and by cheap I mean far more worse than splitting shoe plaza the bill on the first date so I just gathered the most funny and shocking stories from one of the most popular Polish forums. My fellow girls shared their stories in a topic called ‘ The cheapest guy ‘ ( click here - for native Polish speakers). Sit back, grab a drink and thank God/Buddha/your guts that you didn’t need to deal with guys like those or show it to your girlfriend if she ever complains about you! ;) We decided to go for 3 days to Gdansk. Why bother with renti

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